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Malevolent_Mangoes t1_ixis3q0 wrote

I feel bad for her parents. I mean wtf kinda monster did they raise? Their “hair trigger love hate relationship” is probably because their child is a complete bitch.

Edit: Though the father is shitty for having control of her bank account, it’s completely understandable because of how his daughter behaves.


fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixise4j wrote

Not to say she isn't responsible for what she does but her parents raised her to be this way, they are the root cause of her problems. They abused her/continue to do so and she doesn't seem to understand how to be in a relationship without being abusive.


Malevolent_Mangoes t1_ixismex wrote

Which is extremely unfortunate. Toxicity brings more toxicity. I’m glad you got out of that relationship. It’s best to stay away from fires.


[deleted] t1_ixjh9ux wrote



fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixjn0bq wrote

I definitely did that at one point, I don't anymore. ESH.

I'm at fault for letting it happen and not pulling the ripcord when (I hate this term)red flags showed, she's at fault for continuing to refuse to be an independent adult, and her parents are at fault for raising her to refuse to be an independent adult.


[deleted] t1_ixjo5wn wrote



fuck-alia-iacta-est OP t1_ixjpjs6 wrote

It doesn't have to in some ways at least thankfully

I feel you re:MDs, part of my reality is that my dad died five years ago because a doctor "misdiagnosed" a condition which happened to give that doctor a pretext to install an expensive, profitable device in his chest.

There are definitely shitty people who only cause misery. Part of why I'm comfortable with just ignoring them as opposed to pursuing something (both criminal+civil) is the knowledge that even though I could completely blow up their little world there is nothing I or anyone could possibly do to fuck them worse than they fuck themselves. They're miserable now, I could make them marginally more miserable but the cost would be my own happiness. They aren't worth it; on top of that when you make it apparent to a person who loves to say "do you know who I am" that they aren't worth your time or energy pisses them off just a bit more too.