Submitted by Goddamitnoleg t3_z2bheo in tifu

So this actually happened like a week ago, but whatever. I work as pizza delivery guy and last week I was delivering pizzas. I pull up to this house and ring the doorbell, when I do this man comes hoping towards the door. Without looking down I say, “stub your toe, that’s never fun”. He just stops and stairs at me and I look down. The dude had no leg. He did not say anything as I handed him his pizza, I apologized and told him I truly did not notice. I got lucky as he did not complain to the store I work at but I still feel like a complete asshole for it. I mean seriously I said that to a guy who pry got blown up overseas or injured at work. I just hope I never have to deliver there again.

TL;DR: I accidentally said a insensitive comment to a guy with no leg thinking that he had just stubbed his toe



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OkVolume1 t1_ixfk087 wrote

You really stepped in it, huh.


gutscheinmensch t1_ixfk2if wrote

omg really sorry for him I hope he already found it


MadHouseFire t1_ixfoahy wrote

I mean an honest mistake happens to the best of us.. not always to a guy missing a leg though


Dendad6972 t1_ixfpe92 wrote

I would have laughed my ass off (I'm disabled also]


series_hybrid t1_ixfqb3m wrote

This isn't this guys first bad joke. I'm sure he can tell by now when it's malicious or accidental. My mom had one eye after an accident when she was a kid. She knew more funny blind jokes than anyone else I ever met.


EverythingIsChicken t1_ixfv20r wrote

Hah, I'm a guy with one leg. I can assure you, this is not the most awkward encounter he has ever had.


Falconflyer75 t1_ixgbzq5 wrote

Would you say u almost lost your footing?

In all seriousness it was just a mistake don’t stress


dman2864 t1_ixgmu8x wrote

I bet your face was priceless.


Yeoooooowww t1_ixh2q5t wrote

Oh my days. Did similar in a fast food takeaway. Waiting on food, strike up convo with fellow patron, notice his crutch, ask how his leg is, realise it's missing. Oof. He laughed though, so yay I guess.

Also asked a fella if he wanted a game of pool, he declined as he only had one arm. Ffs. Swear my eyes are painted on some days.


Smirkydarkdude t1_ixhlufb wrote

Ouch. Well... we have all been there. One minor slip-up and you feel like crap. Probably one of my worst was asking a woman when she's due. And she's not pregnant. D'oh. But you only make that mistake once. You learn. You move on.


DarkBlueBear13 t1_ixjaizz wrote

Oh my god, I've seen somebody do that before in person and it was somehow one of the most humiliating experiences of my life. I know how sheltered that sounds but seriously it wasn't even me who asked the lady and I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. I didn't even know the dude who asked.

Honestly, it's like one of my greatest social fears. I basically never comment on anything physical regarding another human being out of the overly-paranoid fear I'll do something like this lmao


RavynRydge666 t1_ixjtkfu wrote

Shiit, I have a one legged coworker, I think I'm about to ask him the same question lol