Submitted by AweProfit t3_z6siiu in tifu

I may have given myself tinnitus.

Help & Suggestions

Hello everyone, recently in the last 5 days I’ve heard a ringing noise in my right ear… how did it start I will explain.

I’ve been having this lower back towards my (originally right hip/side/lower back) I think it’s due to my posture… anyways I went to an urgent care and they said it’s a muscle strain & if it gets worse contact my primary doctor. Recently I’ve been getting high and when I’m high I like to focus on my pain and feel my pain in a way as if it’s healing, and maybe it’s just in my head but it does tend to feel better.

Tuesday Night, I got extremely high and of course I was focusing the pain in my body and in the sense of waves & ringing from the area.. as in messing with it I feel the ringing part of it travel up my body and ask it’s traveling it’s going towards my head once it got to my head I felt the ringing but once again I was just messing with it didn’t think much of it, so it was loud and kept getting louder and at this point I was trying to make it like pop cause in my high thoughts I thought I could control it and make it pop or disappear in like a cool wave sensation. Absolutely NOT! I open back my eyes to having the most terrible, ringing in my ears IRL.. I had to call friends at 1am asking man if this normal and then replying sometimes when they get a bad high or get really high they hear a ring… so finally I get some sleep (using music) wake up and it’s gone.. ok good right? But here’s the thing. That following night I could feel, hear, my right ear ring.. and I was terrified. It was so loud and I lowkey started to panick I was googling everything and couldn’t find much. So same way I got sleep I did again using (loud music). I’ve been asking ppl, googling and nothing… just a high pitch ring all because I was sad and smoked.. I only smoke to get things off my mind and it seems to have cursed me with this ringing sound… I’m gonna try recreating how it happened.

BTW: while I was creating the ringing noise in my body that worked it’s way up to my head and ears, once I opened back up my eyes I found like myself in a position with my head up and basically putting my head / neck in a bending position putting a lot of pressure on my back of my head / upper neck area (I can’t put in a image to show)

Know to continue it’s been on / off at first.. unless it’s super quiet I can’t hear it. It been a mix of high & low pitch and I discovered temporarily reliefs for a few moms from biting down on my left side of jaw, tapping the back of my head like in those videos you see on the internet that show how to bring relief. So far that’s all I got I’m on day 5 goin into 6 I’ll probably try smoking again to see if maybe I can go in there and reverse it some how idrk… I’m 17 , got my whole life ahead of my and tbh I can’t take this ringing. I can’t keep using music or those noises to silence it out to sleep for the first time I’ve been waking up out of my sleep even with music I feel like I can’t think properly or dream cause they all go back to the ringing. I hope it gets better before I go crazy from it, currently it’s a low pitched ring and if I focus on it, it goes high.

Feel free to ask me anything and I’ll update everyone.

TL;DR: got so high I might have given myself tinnitus. Maybe I can do it again to reverse it?

Small Disclaimer: I literally can’t post in r/tinnitus or r/askreddit man I just want help and I can’t even ask in the community



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AllanfromWales1 t1_iy2z70n wrote

Loud music. That's how you got your tinnitus. Same as most of the rest of us with tinnitus. Your experience when high simply brought it to your attention. With me, it was meditation which really got me to understand how bad it was - when I relaxed into a meditative state with no external influences, the internal noise from the tinnitus was frighteningly loud. And it's only got worse over the years. Help? Sadly the best advice is to find ways to get used to it. It'll be there, at varying levels, for the rest of your life. (Source: now 67. Used to turn my headphones up too high when I was young.)


AweProfit OP t1_iy2zgpk wrote

Mmm maybe your right, but the thing is I’ve smoked many times before and never noticed it… in the past when I was younger I’d hear a random ring that would last for a while and go away but never thought much of it. I hope it also goes away eventually, occasionally it actually disappears even when I think about it but then a small sound triggers it back


throwaway_nowgoaway t1_iy4mnc2 wrote

You may want to pop over to r/energywork and r/reiki if you enjoy healing meditations.

I have tinnitus too. Mostly in right ear. It’s annoying as hell. Wish I had an easy solution but I don’t :/

All I can say is that with illnesses and ailments in general, it’s normal to be anxious and grieve about it at first, but over time we get used to it and it just becomes a part of us. All part of the process.


AweProfit OP t1_iy4nksu wrote

Oh I actually found a little temporary solution. I had caught a cramp in my low jaw in the middle of class and as I was massaging my throat / lower jaw area the ringing completely went away but I was very sensitive to loud noise.. so I plan to test it out again when I go home but so far I got about a hour & half worth of silence but loud noises will trigger it back again but at a low pitch. Once I experiment with being in a quiet room and hopefully can silence the ringing again I’ll update my post to help others, who have a similar case like me. Then I’ll post my report of what the doctors say when I get an appointment.