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Ria_rianna1 t1_iwslaqq wrote

I have been to the gynecologist 10 times, how does Pap test work then ? Does your doctor make you slide your hand inside under your pants or what ?! 🤣 I bet you are the guy who has never been to the gynecologist


gingersnapped99 t1_iwsm8m5 wrote

You wear a gown, numbskull. 💀

And, for the record, any gynecologist making sexual remarks is being wildly unprofessional and a creep. Not to mention that shit (the check up itself) being uncomfortable as all hell.

Also, you’ve been to the gyno 10 TIMES??? At 20yo??? The standard to my knowledge is once a year after you turn 20 or 21. People may err on the side of caution and start as teens, but you definitely aren’t getting a pap any younger than 18 unless there are special circumstances. Unless you have some medical issues down there requiring more frequent visits (in which case sorry for judging ofc), you’re basically saying you’ve been going since you were 10.


Ria_rianna1 t1_iwsmo5z wrote

  1. I started going when I was 15/16
  2. I had an IUD
  3. I do Pap test every 6-7 months
  4. In the country I live in, they don’t give us gown, you entitled little American idiot . We aren’t all from America 🙄

yeawhat3ver t1_iwt4ubb wrote

“I’m 20 and I get a pap every 6-7 months” 😂😂 Wtf is going on with your insides that you would be needing that before the age other women get their first. This slobbering neckbeard fantasy is embarrassing.


Ria_rianna1 t1_iwtbgr4 wrote

If health problems run in the family, it’s good to run tests regularly. Also, I’m living in Europe where healthcare doesn’t cost an arm and a leg so I can go to the doctor as many times as I need or my heart desires :)) unlike you, frustrated people who apparently can’t afford it


gingersnapped99 t1_iwsnyek wrote

Alright, I’ll buy the 10 visits, but I have literally never heard of a patient having to get fully naked to a gyno appointment anywhere LMAO.

Like, are you telling me hospital gowns only exist in the United States? Because if you’re assuming “I think you wear a gown at the doctor’s” = “I’m an American,” then you’re basically saying that hospital gowns are an American thing. Also, why tf would anything above the waist even need to come off?

There’s also something about this that just screams “this isn’t how a woman would describe this situation even if it happened.” Can’t put my finger on it, but even if you are a woman, this just sounds like some fantasy you thought we’d buy into.


Ria_rianna1 t1_iwso7p1 wrote

I didn’t get undress fully, only my pants and panties, my God ! I thought Americans weren’t that stupid to think I said I got completely (from head to toe) undressed. No, I never wore a gown in my entire life . They don’t give them to us, they only cover the front (the stomach) with a piece of material
