Submitted by LarsButChaste t3_yk8w0o in tifu

Ok so not today, but yesterday so it's still fresh. On Halloween I ate a lot of junk, plus ingested alcohol and had Mexican after, so there was already a perfect storm brewing. The next day, by second period I was already feeling my insides contort again and my stomach was making noises that were audible to my classmates nearby.

During third period I just had this sudden, uncontrollable urge that couldn't wait any longer, I just bolted out of my chair and ran to the door while being pretty much propelled by my farts, by the time I left the dude sitting next to me was already retching I assume.

What happened to the bathroom can only be described as a war crime, I'm pretty sure they'll needed a hazmat crew to clean it up before it becomes habitable again. It was for real worse than any use of chemical weapons in WWII. It was the kind of turd you don't even bother trying to flush, because by the time I was done I couldn't see the water anymore.

Anyway, that restroom was out of order for the day because even the people passing in front of it were complaining the smell. Also when I came back to class I found out that everyone had to leave the classroom my fart, so class was basically over. Idk what I do now when I have to come back to this class. Probably going to try to sit quietly alone and ignore everyone.

TL;DR Ate a lot of junk on Halloween, gassed out my classmates, destroyed a bathroom and don't know how to face them again today



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