Submitted by ReaperofMen42069 t3_yx6b89 in tifu

A girl (20) I (21) was in class with matched with me on Tinder a couple years ago. This was during lockdown so we had never seen each other in person, only over Zoom. I thought she was super cool and had to kick myself when I forgot to ask for her number before the course ended. If not for Tinder, we probably would never have connected.

After we matched, it was an immediate spark. We texted non-stop for days and it was all great banter. When we did end up going on a date, there was no awkwardness. It was like meeting with an old friend. The only problem was I didn’t want to do anything physical. My grandmother was living with me and she was struggling medically. If I brought covid into the house and got her sick, I could never forgive myself. So we only went on outdoor dates. Nevertheless, it was fun.

One night after we went out, I got a voicemail from her. Here comes the fuck up. I forgot about it in the morning and never listened to it.

Weeks passed and while we still talked, I noticed she had become reserved. This continued until she just stopped talking to me.

Fast forward to this year, I reconnected with her. We got together and I was super happy to have salvaged our relationship. But I noticed she still seemed reserved and grew more and more emotionally unavailable. Finally I confronted her about it. I told her that I wanted to date but needed to know what was going on between us. She laughed at me and said “so now you want a relationship but you turned me down when I told you the same thing”

I had no idea what she was talking about. Unfortunately, she refused to see me again and now I’m sure the relationship is dead.

So today I was cleaning out my voicemail inbox because doctors were complaining about it being full when I saw her unread voicemail. It was like 3 minutes long. In it, she sang a goofy love song and basically said she was falling for me. I think she was drunk because she thought it was a phone call and kept asking why I not answering her.

tl:dr A girl I was interested in sent me a voicemail where she confessed her feelings for me but I only listened to it two years later and now we’re not on good terms

update: some of you recommended i tell her. so i did. she replied with one “lmao”

update 2: so some people said i should explain myself to her a bit more. i tried to call and she just didn’t answer. and her voicemail is full. then she asked why i called. i said how i felt and if we could find a way to overcome it. she sent me a 👍 emoji.

i think this ship has sailed boys

quick update: after she sent the thumb emoji i left her on read for several hours. finally she wrote me again asking if we could talk in person. i agreed. well she just left my place and we may or may not have slept together. we have great chemistry and it was one of the best nights ive had with someone. but the feeling that she only brought me back into her circle of trust just to dump me on her terms hasnt been sitting right. i think im just going to let her know it isnt going to work out. the fact that she was acting so passive aggressive to inexplicably wanting to sleep together makes me think i had better sit this one out. thanks for all the advice though. have a good life.



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