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maeby_surely_funke t1_j1tx530 wrote

Don’t sweat it. Your parents assume you do this, they just don’t want to think about it. Just like you assume they have sex but don’t want to think about it. They probably didn’t hear it—but even if they did it’s not a big deal.


Grazzygreen t1_j1vrnnc wrote

And maybe it put them in the mood. Does that help?


Biguitarnerd t1_j1vtdeh wrote

Gross… thinking of my kids doing anything makes me nauseous. I know they do it, at least my oldest but I don’t want to think about it let alone hear it.


3v4n777 t1_j1xj5ul wrote

have you ever felt the loving touch of a woman (that isn’t your mother)? answer honestly.


Grazzygreen t1_j1y75fp wrote

Does my wife count? She likes jokes and doesn't get offended at objectively harmless jokes.

Have you? 3v4n777


3v4n777 t1_j1y799f wrote

“objectively harmless joke” was just fucking weird. i can assure you unless your supposed wife is as strange as you she’d be concerned at a comment like that.


Grazzygreen t1_j1y7dxx wrote

I showed it to her. She laughed.

What do you find so offensive about this? Honestly curious.

Edit: the joke is the op's parent's might be aroused from the sounds of a porno because apparently that wasn't clear to the puritans


3v4n777 t1_j1y7iat wrote

im not offended, but a joke about parents getting aroused from the sound of their son/ daughter having sex is just plain fucking weird, in no way is it comedic.


Grazzygreen t1_j1y83a5 wrote

So...that's not what the op wrote about. He wrote about playing porn on a computer which his parents might have heard. That's it.

Unless they mistook the op for the sounds that come from a porno (highly unlikely!), I think your outrage is way off base.


3v4n777 t1_j20v53y wrote

i mixed two posts up, i apologise for that, regardless still a weird comment to make over their kid playing porn out loud.