Submitted by skaapjagter t3_zxfbkb in tifu

So the fuck up was actually on Boxing Day. I have been relegated to the couch because of what happened, so I just got a moment to write this now.

On the 26th we had the in laws over for a braai (BBQ) as our Christmas meal. Things were going great until I find out that we are having, amongst other things, pork fillet, angel kisses (cherries wrapped in bacon) as well as Gammon in the oven.

We were also having ice cream, mousse and my grandmother's trifle (she only makes it once a year so it's special).

I mention these things because I am lactose intolerant and also very sensitive to pork. Not one to turn down a challenge, I decided to indulge myself and have some of everything.

Big mistake.

Usually I can handle it, but this time it hit hard. I could feel my stomach start to churn and things start happening down below. I try to distance myself at first but I just can't hold it in and start to let off silent bombs.

Family want to talk and I just want to run away.

Soon I run out of corners to defile with my stench. And I start to hold it in as I proceed to experience stomach "burps"

At this point I am visibly in pain and I am sweating profusely.

I was about to go outside and try let off some "steam" But then my wife starts to smell something funky. And decides to close the windows and doors because sometimes the nearby river has a sewer smell, so to try and keep that at bay, all exits were sealed, and it's going to look weird if I go and stand outside with said sewer smell brewing.

Another big mistake.

My guts have now moved on to the second phase and evacuation is imminent.

We have 1.5 bathrooms. One upstairs attached to the bedroom and one downstairs which is just a toilet.

As I get up from the couch to go to the kitchen - it happens. The flood gates start trembling, it's about to happen. I have no time to get to the bathroom upstairs so I waddle to the toilet that's 2 meters away from the family. I barely make it as I start to empty my bowels while still on my way to the seat.

It just keeps coming. I don't even have to push. Sweat dripping from my face.

At the same time I am trying to contain the damage. I take my shirt off and try to block the gap under the door. I empty a can off spray. Flushing with each anal explosion.

The house is very old so this little bathroom doesn't have a window on it - only a wall vent that goes into the house...

I am going strong for a solid 5 minutes My asshole is on fire.

I finally finish. I scrub and bleach the toilet as well as the rim. I exit the bathroom feeling like I just walked off a BangBros set.

I arrive to an empty lounge and every single door and window open.

I see the gate on the stairs is locked (it's a security gate for night times) I sheepishly call up the stairs "Hello?"

I get a simple "FUCK OFF" back from my wife.

I resort to spending the rest of the day outside with the dog as sitting was No longer an option.

After the dust and smell settles I hear from my wife that when the carnage commenced she started to gag and wretch a bunch (she has a very low tolerance for smells) and they ended up having to all go and sit in the bedrooms. Mom, dad, wife, daughter and grandmother (88 years old)

So here I am - about to spend the third night on the couch. I am still in pain and cannot sit down. Every fart feels like Im sitting on a vibrating cheese grater.


I ate stuff I shouldn't have. My stomach basically turned inside out and I destroyed my ass and the toilet. As such, I forced the whole family to go sit in the bedrooms upstairs. And I am now sleeping on the couch (until further notice).

At least the dog still loves me.

EDIT: Thanks for the awards people of Reddit. I am glad I could share this shit show with someone.

Somebody asked for dog tax so here is a picture of VANTA the labrador X great Dane.



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Lobasexhusband t1_j1zyd9u wrote

Ah the wife’s just being a stickler. Man’s gotta eat right?

Besides it was a simple assertion of dominance.


floutdoubt t1_j200qvz wrote

I guess you can say that it was a shitty mistake to eat that ice cream!

Jokes aside idk why ur wife is angry with you, it's not your fault that you can normally take it but today your stomach decided it didn't want it....


OkVolume1 t1_j20wic9 wrote

That's one way to make soft serve.


The_Lord_Of_Death_ t1_j219vpu wrote

"At least the dog still loves me"

I think it's clear. Divorce your wife marry your dog.


2ndbest714 t1_j21tdee wrote

This is so gross but very awesome to read great descriptions very colorful word choices


BeneficialName9863 t1_j21u3m2 wrote

Mate, get lactase tablets! I had to endure gastric exorcism whenever I had dairy for years till I found them.

(If you can't get them anywhere else, pharmacies normally sell drops for lactose intolerant babies)


JesusSaysRelaxNvaxx t1_j224s11 wrote

Oh god, the description of the fart feeling like it went through a cheese grater is too real 🤣


PoolObjective2733 t1_j22n3fk wrote

Whats her problem? She know you're lack toast and tall ants? She knew that when she married you. Good times and bad. Reclaim your spot in the bed or throw her butt out when she gains a pound/stone/kg, see how she likes it


jackie_bristol t1_j22ou04 wrote

I'm reading this in the bathroom and can't stop lmao.


simononandon t1_j22r9yf wrote

I really don't understand why people don't poop when they have to poop. I guess Reddit would be a boring place if we all listened to our bodies.


Effort-Firm t1_j22yq2g wrote

Enjoyable read af your expense thank you


Swedenesebishhh69 t1_j22yu8p wrote

im so sorry to laugh this hard at your pain..but it was written so funny


Momcantsleepthesaga t1_j238fnq wrote

Honestly your wife is a female dog. I wouldn't be happy to smell it but I would be worried about my husband!!


cjeam t1_j23bxrv wrote

Three days later and it still hurts and you still can't sit down comfortably? I think you've given yourself haemorrhoids or a hernia.


Mediocre-Ad-1283 t1_j23dye8 wrote

When the arse aroma erupts man finds out as always known, dog is your only friend.


LittleNemo98 t1_j23gl4w wrote

Goeie fok ou hoe kan jy jou arme fam so straf?


DanT102 t1_j23p34e wrote

You had me at Bang Bros


skaapjagter OP t1_j23vqx6 wrote

The shits continued but less violent. So it's like a tennis ball trying to go through a hosepipe, somethings got to give.

And in this case it's my bum.

Trying to heal while still needing to go is hard. I think I'll be switching to soup for a while.


cjeam t1_j24101t wrote

You might have given yourself an anal fissure too. Try a stool softener for a bit if soup varies, and stay well hydrated, and obviously eat a diet with consideration for your bum in mind!


DrG2390 t1_j2413q4 wrote

Get a plastic inflatable donut from the pharmacy so you’ll be able to sit, get some Preparation H for potential hemorrhoids, and finally get some Aloe Vera to put on and around the hole. That should fix it pretty quick.


Iffy50 t1_j246x93 wrote

I hope you read this!! Get the Preparation H with Lidocaine. It comes in a silver box and costs $25 per tube. I picked up some yesterday and it's worth every cent. I had surgery 3 weeks ago and they put me on a 21 day antibiotic regimen. It killed all the good bacteria in my colon so I've had diarrhea for a while now. Hemorrhoids are forming and my anus is on fire. The Preparation H with Lidocaine has been a lifesaver. Good luck!


Squigglepig52 t1_j247tzo wrote


One year, just before Christmas, I ate a whole tin of cashews. did you know cashews are mostly fat and fiber?

Woke up in the night gagging on a horrible stink. Looked at teh dog, Bear, and let him know my displeasure. Worried about his stomach, I made him go outside. Oddly, he had no issues, so I figured he had to poop.

Went back to bed.

It wasn't the dog. I was producing constant scalding greasy farts that felt like they were leaving a rancid fog in the air. It was me, all a long.

Feeling bad, I went to let Bear back in.

He refused.


Deception593 t1_j24kmyw wrote

I laughed way too hard at this. This is right up there with poop knife!


metalmaniak68 t1_j24piyq wrote

I so badly feel for you. Years ago I dated this girl for a while and my first and only Christmas at her parents house was the exact same.