Submitted by aaron-kun23 t3_zs9crt in tifu

TIFU by accidently telling my boss I want to die

It was earlier today but I still cringe at the thought. (Sorry for formatting on a phone)

I was already exasperated from work because I had to work two departments today and he was trying to rush me. I seethed about it for an hour and went on my day just a little more mentally exhausted. I was doing a few things on my last hour, ready to go home when he accidently bumped into me and said, "Oop. I don't mean to run you over on purpose." (Obviously a joke.)

My response was, "I really wish you would." I internally screamed. I only meant to think it not fucking say it and he said nothing. Absolutely nothing...and we walked by each other a few times and again said nothing. I should have just said nothing or literally anything else. So now I live with the thought that he probably thinks I'm a freak for answering their boss like that...oh well.

TL;DR: My boss made a joke about running me over and I said I wish you did.



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AcrobaticSource3 t1_j16v5fe wrote

> My boss made a joke about running me over and I said I wish you did.

Don’t worry, maybe your boss didn’t interpret it was you wanting to die. Maybe he interpreted it as you wanting to have some sort of rough sex with him


itsgreekpete t1_j16v31z wrote

My girlfriend is now being involuntarily held for making a similar comment. Be careful what you say at work in regards to suicide and such. Some people don't understand euphemisms, or some people might have it out for you. Some might also not want to be liable if you made a comment and it wasn't reported.


LazySilver t1_j19ich5 wrote

I feel you. I was visiting family yesterday and made a comment about my body hurting and I was getting old.

Grandma: Just wait until you’re 93. Everything hurts.

Me: I hope I never make it to 93.

Room: silence.


GlobalMonke t1_j17dgzi wrote

These older generations will die someday and just leave us chaotic-self-existence lot to make these sort of jokes


penderhippy t1_j1866kp wrote

lol fuck him that shit was funny


DepressingErection t1_j1c6q1v wrote

So happy I work in a place where we openly joke like this

My managers are actually the worst about it