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-Chris-V- t1_j11ulxo wrote

You didn't FU. It was inappropriate of them to open the package and to comment.

Sorry for the embarrassing moment, but I guess keep in mind that... like all the other bodily functions, everyone does it. I'd be looking for ways to laugh this one off.


ProfessionalBeer t1_j1283m0 wrote

maybe my landlord should have written this post instead lol


-Chris-V- t1_j12p7l6 wrote

Honestly, yes, they should have. As others have posted, it's illegal to open mail that's not addressed to you, and his comment was just awkward and creepy. Add to that the complicated power dynamics at play... frankly he should know better.


DICKTracey t1_j15u1nn wrote

It’s illegal to open the mail of another person. Talk to your local police.


youngestOG t1_j12yzjz wrote

> You didn't FU. It was inappropriate of them to open the package and to comment.

If i got a package delivered to the address I live at that had no name on it just where I live I would open it. What would you do give it back to the postman?


-Chris-V- t1_j13jv59 wrote

The landlord doesn't live here. The OP has a lease. Mail delivered to the address is hers by default, unless explicitly misaddressed to the landlord by name.


-Chris-V- t1_j13z6y1 wrote

My mistake - I misread. The LL DOES live here. She only rents a room.