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perpetually__curious t1_j12evnw wrote

OK. It seems like you are a grown-ass woman, correct? You are renting a room so, I assume you're at least 18.

So, let me ask you. As an ADULT, not a child, and they're not your parents, why the Hell are you ready to slit your wrists, because other ADULTS saw your new vibrator? Unless you're studying to become a nun (which by you getting to know how to use your first vibrator, could almost be considered homework 😉) I think you have to learn to loosen up a little. It's not like you're Chrissy or Janet, and Jack just opened your mail by accident. Hey, that would have made one funny episode!

So, RELAX! Do you know what can really help you relax? Sit back, pour a big glass of your favorite wine, and put some fresh batteries in your new boyfriend! Have fun!