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twohedwlf t1_j11ua5g wrote

I bet they totally 100% completely absolutely believed your story about your "Friend" sending it. Yup, no way they couldn't have believed that.


FillThisEmptyCup t1_j12bvu2 wrote

Personally, I would have duct taped it to my phone and said its the upgrade to the silent vibrator mode since I don’t feel the OEM factory motors going off in my pocket.


-Chris-V- t1_j11ulxo wrote

You didn't FU. It was inappropriate of them to open the package and to comment.

Sorry for the embarrassing moment, but I guess keep in mind that... like all the other bodily functions, everyone does it. I'd be looking for ways to laugh this one off.


ProfessionalBeer t1_j1283m0 wrote

maybe my landlord should have written this post instead lol


-Chris-V- t1_j12p7l6 wrote

Honestly, yes, they should have. As others have posted, it's illegal to open mail that's not addressed to you, and his comment was just awkward and creepy. Add to that the complicated power dynamics at play... frankly he should know better.


DICKTracey t1_j15u1nn wrote

It’s illegal to open the mail of another person. Talk to your local police.


youngestOG t1_j12yzjz wrote

> You didn't FU. It was inappropriate of them to open the package and to comment.

If i got a package delivered to the address I live at that had no name on it just where I live I would open it. What would you do give it back to the postman?


-Chris-V- t1_j13jv59 wrote

The landlord doesn't live here. The OP has a lease. Mail delivered to the address is hers by default, unless explicitly misaddressed to the landlord by name.


-Chris-V- t1_j13z6y1 wrote

My mistake - I misread. The LL DOES live here. She only rents a room.


Mission_Albatross916 t1_j11uys6 wrote

Why the heck would they open a package not addressed to them??? So rude! I think you did a good job with your cover story. The important part is to totally believe they believed and act like they believe. If they mention it again, that’s really inappropriate and just ignore them.

Rock on!


Muzzy637 t1_j11xc63 wrote

Illegal, really


unsupported t1_j12afzd wrote

It is only illegal if it's opened and addressed to someone else. It is immoral, because they were told op is expecting a package and opened it anyway.


Muzzy637 t1_j12d7em wrote

I’m sure it was addressed to OP, not the landlord.


unsupported t1_j12r7kp wrote

> EDIT: the package didn't have my name on it, just the address.


Muzzy637 t1_j12rxzi wrote

Lol then I have no idea why the landlord WOULDNT open it


unsupported t1_j13dbjs wrote

Did you not read the story at all?

> I asked my landlord if they could check the mailbox for a package was expecting.


maxs507 t1_j13ktiy wrote

I don’t see how landlord was in the wrong - They saw a package addressed for OP (the gift from mom) and then another package with the address but no name. It makes complete sense that they’d open that if they own/manage the condo.

The OP didn’t really fuck up either. Anyone has the right to order kinky shit in the mail to their home. The company fucked up by leaving the name off. Next time, perhaps OP could order something like that to the post office for personal pickup.


perpetually__curious t1_j12evnw wrote

OK. It seems like you are a grown-ass woman, correct? You are renting a room so, I assume you're at least 18.

So, let me ask you. As an ADULT, not a child, and they're not your parents, why the Hell are you ready to slit your wrists, because other ADULTS saw your new vibrator? Unless you're studying to become a nun (which by you getting to know how to use your first vibrator, could almost be considered homework 😉) I think you have to learn to loosen up a little. It's not like you're Chrissy or Janet, and Jack just opened your mail by accident. Hey, that would have made one funny episode!

So, RELAX! Do you know what can really help you relax? Sit back, pour a big glass of your favorite wine, and put some fresh batteries in your new boyfriend! Have fun!


flyingbarnswallow t1_j11xygy wrote

I’m not particularly familiar with the law but isn’t opening mail that’s not yours a federal offense? Like I’m not saying you should report your landlord but at the very least I think it’s their fuckup and not yours. You had a right to expect privacy for your mail.

And yeah as others have said already they definitely didn’t buy your story lol


FillThisEmptyCup t1_j12b8tw wrote

It’s not clear from story whether it was USPS. If it was amazon, fedex, ups, it doesn’t apply.

Even if it was USPS, the whole no-name thing can make it ambiguous.

If you’re a similar situation, try ordering from Amazon to an amazon hub locker. Many around, often drug stores and other places. Save the embarrassment.


RandoCalrissian11 t1_j13e5fl wrote

The No name thing doesn’t make it ambiguous, since there is no name it’s perfectly legal. Since the owner of the home opened it (the landlord) they were the implied recipient.


cosmernaut420 t1_j12541z wrote

Everybody masturbates, only religious nutjobs will give you shit about it. The average person literally doesn't care. Getting real tired of these "TIFU because someone discovered I'm a sexual being" posts.


reevelainen t1_j12yjqr wrote

Oh, just admit it. Everyone wants to read these, and so did you.


___Phreak___ t1_j14373c wrote

wtf would you get embarrassed about it, what are you 15? Also you can't blame them for opening a package that didn't have a name on it, how did they know it wasn't for them?


TexasPenguin99 t1_j11u97r wrote

That's was great and a good laugh. Good quick thinking. And seriously, have fun. It sounds like you deserve it.


Chapter_3_New_York t1_j123vo3 wrote

Think of it this way:

  • There are a number of factories that only make vibrators.

  • Vibrators are available on thousands of websites, including Amazon.

  • There are probably millions of them on shelves of stores right now.

An industry of that size does not exist for a small audience of users.

Yes, it’s embarrassing that they know what vibrator you have, but having a vibrator is not embarrassing.

Now go rev that puppy up and knock one out!


Cyrodiil t1_j125n77 wrote

Opening another person’s mail is illegal fyi


d5509 t1_j13j6ju wrote

If the address is their legal address and it doesn’t have a name on it, I could see them opening it. What I think is messed up, is them not saying anything to you about it and waiting for you to ask them about it. What’s even creepier is the wink and the “have fun”. It’s very inappropriate.

You getting a vibrator is nothing to be ashamed about but I can see you not wanting your landlord involved at all with this. What they should have done was sealed it back as best they could. If it still looked opened, left a note apologizing(letting you know they are sorry for unintentionally invading your privacy) and telling you that you don’t have to discuss the matter at all. It was up to them to make it not weird.

Anyway, don’t worry about it now. Vibrators are totally normal. I hope you got a hitachi magic wand. It’s king/queen of all vibrators.


Noidremained t1_j14rhja wrote

what's the big deal? just own up to it


oOzephyrOo t1_j125l0t wrote

Just have fun; life is too short to worry about something like this.


iamtimb t1_j12ldq8 wrote

Yeah, OK, but are you enjoying the vibrator?


coinlockerchild t1_j12xek8 wrote

own up to it bro, I can guarantee you there is at least 1 vibrator per household


newbiesmash t1_j15unj5 wrote

this a learning moment really. you are fine with ordering a dildo. what you do to you is your business. they are 100% in the wrong for opening it. i would lean into that. you have learned what kind of people they are. they are fucking assholes with no understanding of other peoples personal space, or the fucking laws.


pogiguy2020 t1_j12nlj5 wrote

If it was addressed with your name on it and they opened it, then they committed a felony.


SomaFarkreath t1_j131wl7 wrote

my roommates opened a package of mine luckily it was just a bag for my sister but i was still pissed cuz i know it had my name on it


ecom47 t1_j13ppv4 wrote

Who cares go to town!


XavierHigdon t1_j15jyyn wrote

Opening mail accidentally is not illegal. Actually, purposefully opening mail sent to your address but not addressed to you is also not illegal. Stealing someone's mail, intentionally diverting it, hiding it, these things might lead to criminal charges.


01_slowbra t1_j16jl1v wrote

We believed it until stumbling on your post. Anyways have fun.


Ocean_Spice t1_j12630t wrote

Isn’t opening someone else’s mail a crime or something??


[deleted] OP t1_j134jjs wrote



Cassi566 t1_j14hazr wrote

The OP said they rent a single room in someone else’s Condo, so it’s still the Landlord’s address


[deleted] OP t1_j126dm5 wrote

