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Melodic-Spite-5918 OP t1_j1rnmw5 wrote

Thank you for being more understanding than I could ever ask for. I am so sorry that you had to go through what I put her through and I hope you're doing better. I am trying not to torture myself about it but it really fucked with the way I think of myself and I'm having a difficult time to find the right way to accept what happened, I want to accept it and move forward but I don't want to deal with it as "something that happened, gotta move on" either. Don't worry about your english, you're doing great and it's actually my second language too (or forth language, depending on how you count). And also thank you for understanding why I mentioned that I was drunk and that I am not trying to shove the blame off to the alcohol.


eat_ur_vegetablesss t1_j1s2a3i wrote

Thank you for the kind words!

All i want to say is please dont torture urself u stopped when she asked and even tho it was bad what u did u realize that and take full responsability thats the first step! Its going to be a process and it will probably hurt and u will hate it but at least you are trying. I think its in moments like this that u need to take care of urself. Something i believe in is that there are no monsters in the world there are just people who make choices and take positions i believe that it is great that u care for this situation and u want to make things diferent bcs i know people who wouldnt torture themselves for something like that and wouldnt even mind what they did and would probably do it again. Thats what makes u diferent from other cenarios . So dont be so hard on urself or at least not as much as necessary in ur point of view.

I guess maybe u will never accept it sometimes we dont need to accept stuff u just have to know that it happen and u were wrong for what u did and that will stuck with u but at least u know that u will never do it again i bet there are people who even after hating what they did they do it again and this happens in alot of other cenarios.

Just know that if u need someone to talk to im here i dont promise im the best at giving advices but i can listen. All i really want if for both of u to be ok and to take care of ur mental health. And dont thank me for being understanding i really admire u for being able to talk about it and taking responsability and facing ur actions ig a part of me wishes that my "friends" had done the same but this post gives me hope somehow so thank you !

Take care and know that u matter too. Its not bcs u are not the victim that it makes ur feeling invalid its perfectly understandable that ur have a hard time. Just work on urself and take care!