Submitted by yax51 t3_zvgl9s in tifu

TIFU by almost getting my wife, two kids, and myself killed. We were driving home from my parents after spending the day with them and the rest of the family for Christmas. The roads were a bit icy, so I had slowed down to 45 mph on the freeway. Still was slipping a bit, but thought "it'll be fine". I tried to break a bit, and ended up breaking too hard and started to spin out.I wasn't able to get control and we crashed into the snow berm and up on to the guard rail, overlooking about a 200 ft drop. The front end was over the edge, and the back tires were stuck into the snow bank. Another foot or so and we would have been over the edge.

Yesterday my wife had a bad feeling about Today, and told me repeatedly that she had a bad feeling about going to my parents on Christmas. I dismissed it as financial stress (as we are basically broke ATM, but will soon be fine. New job and all), and convinced her it was nothing.

TL;DR I ignored the misgivings of my wife and the icy road conditions and almost drove my car with my wife and two kids off a cliff.



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MyDadBod_2021 t1_j1p2oio wrote

Glad you are ok... hopefully things turn around financially, too


yax51 OP t1_j1p2xu1 wrote

Thanks. The realization of what happened is hitting me now, and I'm barely hanging on.

As for the finances, they will get better soon. Just started a new job (that is almost double what I was making previously) and haven't got a full paycheck yet.


MyDadBod_2021 t1_j1p35c8 wrote

>The realization of what happened is hitting me now, and I'm barely hanging on.

You made it out ok. Car might not be fine, but at least your wife and kids are. Good luck!


WadeStockdale t1_j1p7g95 wrote

You and your family are okay. Might wanna talk to your wife about some family therapy to deal with anxiety in you, her and the kids before it becomes A Thing.

If the car is damaged, well, cars are ultimately replaceable. You and your loved ones can't be fixed or replaced.

Good to hear things are looking up financially, and very good to hear you all came out physically okay.


patriickz t1_j1pnjb4 wrote

So you lived paycheck to paycheck which is also not good 😜


xolana_ t1_j1q21sa wrote

?? When you’re on a low income and have bills and kids to pay for…you literally have no other option. I speak as someone on a pretty low income saving/investing 60% of my paycheck. I realise my privilege as I don’t pay rent/bills. If I did I’d be homeless. Not everyone can afford an emergency fund.


Ezzmon t1_j1py0ox wrote

Her opinions just got promoted to Captain.


_lechonk_kawali_ t1_j1pfzwp wrote

72 km/h (45 mph) is still too fast in icy conditions. I'm happy you're all OK, though. Just don't do it again.


IronxXXLung t1_j1xn9fu wrote

75 km/h! Holy smokes I didn't do the conversion but that's way to fast.


nms_Rozz t1_j1ppom7 wrote

Glad you're ok. Take the time to learn how to drive in winter conditions.


Porn_away_for_throw t1_j1qfno5 wrote

We get solid black ice on the roads here. 45 is too fast. You'll have a problem braking and even steering. Go slow!


holdMyBeerBoy t1_j1qpc9b wrote

Do you know if that bad feeling of your wife made you slow a bit more on the ice and made you be more alert?
And I'm glad you all got out ok.


void_substance t1_j1qzgjt wrote

Sure rn you're shaken up about nearly dying in the past, but you're critically ignoring the fact that you're never going to be able to win an argument with your wife again.

Glad you're ok OP!


Affectionate_Hat6293 t1_j1qj1l4 wrote

A friend had a similar feeling traveling to my wedding 16 years ago. She went anyway, since, you know, her friend was getting married.

On the way, she hit a deer (during the day, in the middle of July, so, not when people typically hit deer). Totaled her car.

I’m just SO glad she was okay!

I’m SO glad you are okay too!


CorrieBug86 t1_j1p2uxp wrote

Turns out when you fuck around, you will find out.


Verbenaplant t1_j1qkj3c wrote

Next time if it’s icy don’t go or get good winter road tyres. Better to celebrate another time than be dead


patriickz t1_j1pnhr9 wrote

No snow tires?


xolana_ t1_j1q2aoo wrote

Many of us live in areas where that would be a useless waste of money as it only snows once/twice a year. Our only option is to not drive during icy conditions or take public transport.


Squigglepig52 t1_j1qdo8g wrote

Is it a waste of money if it means not dying on the road?

In my opinion, if you have no real experience driving in snow storm condition, do not drive at all.


IronxXXLung t1_j1xng0s wrote

Honestly nothing really grips ice well other than studded tires. Was a tire technician for 6 years.


patriickz t1_j1q32xk wrote

But he did drive. Which is just a dead sentence


sdemps43 t1_j1qt8wn wrote

Maybe you should start listening


SpiritTalker t1_j1p5mpc wrote

Glad you and your family are okay, OP! Never discount a woman's (and especially mamma's) intuition. 😉 But seriously, I am very glad you and yours are okay.


Fudbuster2000 t1_j1rg9cx wrote

Always. ALWAYS trust your gut. Or in this case, your wifes gut.


TheReinsofFullnight t1_j1s0d3e wrote

Never ignore a moms intuition! Idk why we just have this thing we can do. Lol.


Good_nuff t1_j1t5svm wrote



OldCarWorshipper t1_j1xdxdk wrote

Glad you and your family are ok, OP!

Just as an aside- once you're doing ok financially, I've got some advice regarding driving your vehicle on winter roads. If you routinely drive through snow and ice during winter, consider buying a second set of wheels for your vehicle and have dedicated snow or winter tires mounted on them. Then, when the weather starts turning nasty, you can simply jack your vehicle off the ground and swap them out.


yax51 OP t1_j1y8ho3 wrote

I've been driving in all sorts of weather for ~25 years and never once had any issue with ice or other bad roads (or any accidents either) until that night. I usually take it slow and am a cautious driver. But apparently I wasn't cautious enough. But I appreciate the thoughts! :)


phoenixninja23 t1_j27gr4v wrote

The speed limit is the recommended maximum speed in absolutely perfect conditions. If the speed limit was 60-70, then 45 isn't too bad, but slipping I'd have slowed down more


GoAwayMe t1_j1rju1z wrote

Don't take it all grammar police but a vehicle has brakes and you can break something. But the noun is brake and the verb is to break. But you can also be braking as in using your brakes.


knightmare36 t1_j1qdjox wrote

Dont give in to people saying i have a bad feeling cause i know plenty of people who do that just to not go anywhere
