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TucuReborn t1_j1yjy01 wrote

Similar story with me and my mom.

I own a sex toy shop online, and 3D print my molds. My mom has, after 25 years, FINALLY taken an interest in what I do and starts asking me constantly what it is.

It's a furry sex toy. I'm a furry. I hadn't told her that yet.

She's a Baptist, deeply religious, and thinks anime is porn.

I tried to tell her repeatedly I just wanted privacy in my business, and to please respect that.

Nope. Constantly tries to see what I make, until one day I just drag a 10 pound hunk of silicone and slap it down on the kitchen table, tell her I'm a furry and people pay a lot of money for this, and that she can do what she wants with this information.

Her response? "I think you were right. I really didn't need to know this. But good luck?"