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thurrrst0n t1_j28t8r1 wrote

If he had a strong reaction to your rejection, you may have dodged a bullet. Otherwise, you appear to have recognized a self sabotaging behavior. You’ll have opportunities to be better in the future


atomicitalian t1_j28znpc wrote

Is there any evidence he had a "strong reaction" ?

I mean op can clarify, but wanting to keep your distance from someone who just turned you down isn't weird, especially if you're a dude and you don't want to come off as a weirdo. She didn't say he freaked out on her, just that he kept his distance, which makes sense considering he was probably embarrassed.


thurrrst0n t1_j291w0x wrote

I hear you. You’re probably right. Not knowing what keeping the distance meant, I said “if,” but I potentially drew a conclusion


babysharkso OP t1_j2a7wag wrote

He didn’t react strongly. He was actually respectful and I could feel him pulling back after I made that comment. He just got quiet and kept a distance afterwards. I didn’t mean to turn him down at all but I only later realised what I said came across as it and probably made him think I wasn’t interested. Smh why am I like this


Lined_the_Street t1_j28uyrx wrote

This is my thought, what seems like a lose is a win one way or another. Either her intuition took over after her subconscious spotted something or she found something she can work on. Which hey, working on oneself is IMO the fastest way to find the best fitting partners
