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halilyankee t1_j28y1dl wrote

This is ridiculous/you have no idea what you're talking about. Was the guy supposed to act the same after being turned down and come off as clingy/creepy?

I think being on the internet too much has led you to forget how the real world works, you see someone you like, you start a chat and if they show interest the dynamic continues, if they don't you readjust and act accordingly in order to keep them from feeling uncomfortable around you.

There was absolutely no bum behavior showed by this guy.


LordGoldenEagle t1_j28zyi6 wrote

He certainly made her feel uncomfortable and lost interest in her pretty quick. I like in the real world too.


halilyankee t1_j291bl6 wrote

Yes, he made her feel so uncomfortable that now she's here posting about how much she regrets not going out with him or at least taking his info. Lol