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gabriel_is t1_j29q3ez wrote

Here's the thing. Today you, has no clue what fiture you wants or needs.

Remember when you were 5, and Johnny Two Shoes didn't invite you to his bday party? Sucked right? But 22 yo you know Johnny Two Shoes ended up marrying Sarah whats her name and they're already divorced! Bullet dodged.

My point is, you end up where you're supposed to end up. You don't know where that is, it is very often not where you think you want to go. But after a certain point in lofe you start looking back and seeing how that relationship endi g or not getting the job enabled, some beautiful favorite part of your life.

Its all about perspective.

Maybe concert guy would've been great, but maybe the best outcome is that you challenge your anxiety, and when baseball game guy comes along, you're not with concert guy, and you're not held back by your anxiety, and you fall madly in love. Turns oit he's perfect for you fr.

This is how life works. You will see it if you look for it.

Don't bother with regret, it is at most you not YET understanding the value of the path you're on. That's ok, that's the fun of it, some would say that's the point.

And I mean look at you reading this, considering a mental map that eliminates regret and makes the future always infinitely hopeful.

Seems a tad more valuable than concert guy doesn't it.
