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braveabandon t1_j2b5qus wrote

Breaking the habit of being yourself book talked about how your body can become addicted to stress hormones. Your normal state is solitude and comfort.

Anything that breaks that pattern may feel like a threat. if you never take risks and always run away from anything uncomfortable, well, good luck ever changing your circumstances, because your habit is to be ruled by fear. Every time you choose to escape instead of confrontating and overcoming what youre afraid of, strengthens that habit of escaping. Step 1 get therapy Step 2 read books about overcoming worry and fear and being courageous Step 3 challenge yourself to do things outside your comfort zone to build your courage and confidence a minimum of 1x per week

So many people would rather talk about their problems rather than actually do something to solve them.

Don't be one of them or you will continue to suffer the same results for potentially the rest of your life. 6 months from now, you could make significant progress in minimizing the impact anxiety has over your life...

Could? Should? Would? Or won't?