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CouldntThinkOfClever t1_izo5xok wrote

AGP has been used as an explanation of gender dysphoria. That's what it is at its core. AGP in original theory and how it's been used has been used as an attempt to debunk someone's "transness". If AGP were actually a debunking of transness, then I guess many cis women are actually trans men.


InevitableStill9391 t1_izo7pwc wrote

>AGP has been used as an explanation of gender dysphoria. That's what it is at its core. AGP in original theory and how it's been used has been used as an attempt to debunk someone's "transness".

I understand that autogynephilia has been used to discredit the validity of "transness" and I think that's nonsense. I believe both exist and are both as valid as each other. But that doesn't discredit the reality of autogynephilia. Just because a group of people feel invalidated by someone else's identity, it doesn't debunk the reality of their identity, does it?

>If AGP were actually a debunking of transness, then I guess many cis women are actually trans men.

And I don't understand how cis women who masturbate to pictures of themselves relates to this at all. If the woman were dressing up as men, taking photos and masturbating to the images of themselves dressed as male then I see how you would include it, but otherwise I don't see the correlation?


CouldntThinkOfClever t1_izok4ui wrote

Cis women who masturbate to their own image is identical to trans women who masturbate to mental images of their own self as a woman


InevitableStill9391 t1_izoqd7d wrote

Well yes. If you believe both transgender people and people with autogynephila exist at the same time, then a trans woman who masturbates to pictures of themselves is just a woman masturbating to pictures of themselves and likely just an odd thing people do regardless of whether they are trans or not. The trans woman is not being turned on by the fact they're presenting as a woman, they're likely getting the same satisfaction the cis woman is getting from doing it. No cis woman is looking at themselves and thinking "I look so much like a woman today" and getting off over it, they're obviously getting something else out of it. I assumed we were talking about photos, but it could be that they're getting sexual satisfaction by watching themselves masturbate in the mirror, which may just add some extra sensory gratification to the act for them, which is far more likely and has nothing to do with sex or gender. Someone with autogynephila doing this is being sexually stimulated directly from the fact they are dressed as the opposite gender/imagining themselves as the opposite gender.

But none of this thoroughly debunks autogynephila.

Thanks for the convo anyway, have a good day!