Submitted by tifuthrowaway87563 t3_zv07hu in tifu

Well guys I am typing this tear-eyed as I close a 3 year old relationship with someone who I trusted very much. And on Christmas too, it all happened so fast, literally less than 12 hours ago. Having to find out that my girlfriend was in love with another woman, someone who I know albeit little....and that she was experiencing turmoil being with me, but at the same time kept me clueless...because the events that happened today would've happened then and she would have had to move in with her parents, who she despises(my conclusion). Being told she loved me, but just as a friend, fucking hurt, and I was viewed as a friend for more than 6 months at least, while I did my best to support my girlfriend financially and emotionally over the past three years. The worst part is, everyone encouraged her to pursue the relationship with her, while keeping everything from me a secret. Her friends, her sister...nobody thought about me... There's more but I really don't want to type it all out.

TLDR:Went through my gf's phone, only to find out that she cheated on me emotionally(not physically as it was an unrequited love), but pretended to love me and live with me for another 6 months.



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Mission_Albatross916 t1_j1m9zl3 wrote

Damn. Not a fuck up tho. You needed that truth to save yourself.


mistrvrz t1_j1mc9sc wrote

Your better off, got rid of a problem. For years she used u for financial support, home support, her family knew and went along with it..did u really want that? Nah man... you're better off..


Jenderflux-ScFi t1_j1mbzrp wrote

I'm so sorry 🫂

It's better that you found out sooner rather than later. It would have been better if you found out 6 months ago, but at least you finally know.


AcrobaticSource3 t1_j1mhsyk wrote

Man, that conversation is gonna be rough...or maybe it won’t, maybe is just “time for you to go” (I assume she is still living with you?)


mommadotco15 t1_j1mmf5d wrote

Damn on Christmas too? Try your best to move on from this man it’s not even worth repairing


Jay-Double-Dee-Large t1_j1nnhmu wrote

That’s extremely rough, I feel for you. She did you a favour in the long run and one day you’ll see that, hang on and keep yourself busy in positive ways until then.


AdAdventurous5657 t1_j1nxkh9 wrote

That sucks but just tell her to move out and crack in with your if you want the nuke option, id out her to everyone and let them know what happens and how she used you


M0u53m4n t1_j1nwyfq wrote

This sounds like it was for the best. It's sad but necessary. Onwards and upwards.


heyitsvonage t1_j1olesp wrote

Ugh, that’s awful. I know it’s really hard now, but it will get easier and you will realize that you have more interesting things ahead of you than behind you.


Usagiboy7 t1_j1ovb57 wrote

If I was your gf and deeply in love with you and nobody else, I'd have left your ass immediatelt for going through my phone. That's a creepy, invasive thing to do.

If everyone was encouraging her to pursue someone else, there are details you're leaving out.


therealshakezula t1_j1n3y0e wrote

At least get a 3 some out of it with her and the gf seems fair consolation since she loves you as a friend and all
