Submitted by Healthy_Coughs t3_zv2z09 in tifu

So Christmas was a blast family was fun and I got some lovely gifts. One of them was from my granny who drew a picture on a card and put money in the card and taped it to the wrapping paper of the present she gave me.

I unwrapped the present and left the card on the paper. I got a call from my girlfriend so left to chat with her. Came back and the paper was gone. I asked my mom if she threw it out and she said probably if it looked like garbage I threw it. But she can't remember when I describe it. I dig threw 3 bin bags and nothing resembling the paper at all. Back and forth apparently I'm shouting when I'm asking her about it. Eventually ask her if she threw any wrapping paper in the fire and her answer was yes she did. She is now angry and upset with me for not taking the money out or taking the card off the paper because she says that I should know in this house she cleans. I'm obviously upset about this and she starts screaming at me that she's sorry she wants to wake up to a clean house and everything and that she's sorry she's not a slob that can leave junk and find it tomorrow. I'm now upset on my bed writing this and she's upset vacuuming downstairs. My poor grannies card she drew for me and the money inside is ashes. Mother is angry with me and I am sad with me. Oh well merry Christmas

TLDR Mother threw away wrapping paper that had a card full of cash. My bad for not knowing she would burn it.



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Viktorjanski t1_j1mtyt1 wrote

That just sucks dude. Hard. After a while all you will regret is your granny's drawing, might want to tell her what happened and ask her if she could draw another. Or even better, do it together. Don't be mad at your mom, ask her for a drawing also.


Healthy_Coughs OP t1_j1njewz wrote

Ye im not mad but I keep getting that sickly feeling of seeing g the money and the drawing burn. And I had an awful feeling when I looked at almost like I knew I should've but I didn't to test and yoh what a stupid test


GnomeMode t1_j1o0z4o wrote

Dude, your mom needs to fukkin chill


Leighgion t1_j1nlnme wrote

Wait, you’re telling me you knowingly bypassed a card you knew to have money in it to open the gift?


Healthy_Coughs OP t1_j1nlrwl wrote

Yeah, always find it weird to open the money present in front of others.


Leighgion t1_j1nlzxm wrote

Fair enough, but man, not to rub it in, but you don’t leave that shit lying around attached to waste paper.


Healthy_Coughs OP t1_j1nmzp3 wrote

It felt foolish when I did it. But it is what it is. Learnt a lot from it.


Monsterchic16 t1_j1ozyze wrote

Your mum should’ve checked to make sure there weren’t any cards in the piles of wrapping paper she was cleaning up. Most Christmas cards get buried under wrapping paper in favour of the presents they came with and the other present’s wrapping papers. It’s only logical to check. On the flip side, if you knew the card contained money then you should’ve put it somewhere safe like in your room or in your purse/bag if don’t live there.


thrwaway9932 t1_j1petum wrote

Seriously WTF. Your mother needs therapy dude. She has obsessive compulsive disorder.

"Looks like trash" is not equal to trash. That's stupid logic.

First of all she's not supposed to touch your stuff - that's basic respect of your personal space.

Second if she's gonna throw something she's gotta check thoroughly if it's TRASH OR CASH.

Third, who TF throws random stuff into their fireplace? I thought that only happens in movies as a symbol for erasing a memory.

There also doesn't seem to be an expectation in the house to clear your own trash. She's taken it upon herself to be the instant cleaning lady for everyone. That's terrible parenting.

Did you ask your grandma how much she put in the card? Find out, then tell your mother to replace the money and add some extra for the trauma she caused you.

PS: People, please stop taping cards on top of your gifts. Give the cards separately OR include the card INSIDE the gift (in an obvious way).


Lanky_Selection1556 t1_j1qblnu wrote

Haha, if I had a child react that way to my accidentally throwing away some cash, I'd tell them that I'd waive next month's rent to make up for it. Their mother isn't an employee and she doesn't owe anyone anything. This is really just a mistake made by both parties that put a damper on Christmas. It'll likely be forgotten in a week's time.


getoffmypedestal t1_j1ptuu6 wrote

Not terrible parenting or OCD to clean up wrapping paper on Christmas day really tho is it


thrwaway9932 t1_j1pzvmn wrote

She does it everyday on autopilot. Christmas is no different to her.


XxIMxFADEDxX t1_j1qhpr4 wrote

It's OK. I'm sure it wasn't a ton of money to fuss over the drawing was sentimental, but I'm sure you would have gotten over it within a few days... I remember when I was 16/17, my mom donated an old toy I was using to stash my money in... if you semi took it apart, you could access most of the internals, which I stripped and used to use as a safe... after saving around $8k and me leaving for a week during summer to do a job, I came home only to find out she had donated the toy to a charity after cleaning my room (i was moving out anyway so she decided to "declutter" while i was gone).... I've never seen it again, and she still has trouble speaking when I bring up the incident....

BTW it was a firemen toy and everytime I see the firetrucks/firestation I always recollect on this... 6 years later, and me and her still only talk about once every 2 years.... just remember OP it could be worse :)


Lanky_Selection1556 t1_j1ql4d7 wrote

You heard it here first kids. Tear apart every fireman toy you have and hope it's got $8k in it. Haha


XxIMxFADEDxX t1_j1qoegn wrote

Toy came out of southern Ontario... I was kinda hoping someone would find it and go WOW as opposed to it, ending up in a landfill... anytime I throw something away, I now disassemble it without hesitation....


memelove0424 t1_j1pfl6s wrote

I am OCD about Xmas bags, trash, wrapping paper, & everything on Xmas. Threw away 1, $25 gift card while I was in college. Never Forget!


ichfrissdich t1_j1rc1oc wrote

You always double or triple check any wrapping paper, envelopes etc. It there is nothing important left before you throw it out.


shagzp t1_j1s30sp wrote

Yup maybe someone needs to introduce grandma to Cash App. And don’t say she’s to old. My mom is 68 and knows how to Cash App