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thrwaway9932 t1_j1petum wrote

Seriously WTF. Your mother needs therapy dude. She has obsessive compulsive disorder.

"Looks like trash" is not equal to trash. That's stupid logic.

First of all she's not supposed to touch your stuff - that's basic respect of your personal space.

Second if she's gonna throw something she's gotta check thoroughly if it's TRASH OR CASH.

Third, who TF throws random stuff into their fireplace? I thought that only happens in movies as a symbol for erasing a memory.

There also doesn't seem to be an expectation in the house to clear your own trash. She's taken it upon herself to be the instant cleaning lady for everyone. That's terrible parenting.

Did you ask your grandma how much she put in the card? Find out, then tell your mother to replace the money and add some extra for the trauma she caused you.

PS: People, please stop taping cards on top of your gifts. Give the cards separately OR include the card INSIDE the gift (in an obvious way).


Lanky_Selection1556 t1_j1qblnu wrote

Haha, if I had a child react that way to my accidentally throwing away some cash, I'd tell them that I'd waive next month's rent to make up for it. Their mother isn't an employee and she doesn't owe anyone anything. This is really just a mistake made by both parties that put a damper on Christmas. It'll likely be forgotten in a week's time.


getoffmypedestal t1_j1ptuu6 wrote

Not terrible parenting or OCD to clean up wrapping paper on Christmas day really tho is it


thrwaway9932 t1_j1pzvmn wrote

She does it everyday on autopilot. Christmas is no different to her.