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XxIMxFADEDxX t1_j1qhpr4 wrote

It's OK. I'm sure it wasn't a ton of money to fuss over the drawing was sentimental, but I'm sure you would have gotten over it within a few days... I remember when I was 16/17, my mom donated an old toy I was using to stash my money in... if you semi took it apart, you could access most of the internals, which I stripped and used to use as a safe... after saving around $8k and me leaving for a week during summer to do a job, I came home only to find out she had donated the toy to a charity after cleaning my room (i was moving out anyway so she decided to "declutter" while i was gone).... I've never seen it again, and she still has trouble speaking when I bring up the incident....

BTW it was a firemen toy and everytime I see the firetrucks/firestation I always recollect on this... 6 years later, and me and her still only talk about once every 2 years.... just remember OP it could be worse :)


Lanky_Selection1556 t1_j1ql4d7 wrote

You heard it here first kids. Tear apart every fireman toy you have and hope it's got $8k in it. Haha


XxIMxFADEDxX t1_j1qoegn wrote

Toy came out of southern Ontario... I was kinda hoping someone would find it and go WOW as opposed to it, ending up in a landfill... anytime I throw something away, I now disassemble it without hesitation....