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SallyHeap t1_j196ogb wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIFU by riding my bf by [deleted]

The ass feels like an o ring because it's basically just the sphincter and then open intestine, the vagina feels like a handshake because the opening isn't any tighter than the walls.


maexx80 t1_j1973fr wrote

And said sphincter will rip your dick bloody if you just hammer it in without preparation or lube


SallyHeap t1_j19c7oq wrote

Not to mention the tearing and blood from slamming a duck into a delicate asshole without lube.


thewickedwitch1312 t1_j19r94k wrote

No. A lot of the tightness and pain comes from mental anticipation; if you are in the middle of vaginal sex and you are not anticipating anal, your asshole flares open and closed by itself. It is very very easy for it to slide in, and by the way, vaginal wetness is lube! Literally a natural lubricant. And if the sex is good, theres a lot of that to go around.


whatsmypasswordplz t1_j1a4xg7 wrote

I got "surprised" this way when I was younger, it barely got in before I was basically climbing up the wall to get away because it hurt so bad. I guess everyone is different