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Dimalen t1_j19b7mi wrote

Reply to comment by 1mpri in TIFU by riding my bf by [deleted]

The pressure gives a stronger sensation in the right places I think, also it looks sexier to me, and grinding btw is also more pleasurable to my partner rather than bouncing, like we've been together for almost 4 years and we maybe tried bouncing once for experiment, so this is why it surprises me:D

So again, I hope it does not come as I judge it or think it's the wrong way, it's just that "being in the field" for a while and listening to my friend's experiences it's just weird to me that someone bounces? And it looks also awkward to me I don't know why, like, not sexy, especially when someone writes that they squatted while bouncing, it's like .... HOW AND WHY?

Also I am from a European country if it counts, because despite me having been to the USA before, I still realize that while both our worlds are the digitalized, civilized worlds we are very different TO THE CORE! It is interesting haha

Btw we recently watched a Bill Burr interview I think with Joe Rogan? And there he was talking about how it felt painful while the woman grinded because the woman being shaven hurts him while grinds and we just watched baffled like... HOW DO THESE PEOPLE FUCK THERE?? WHY DO THEY HAVE THESE ISSUES WHEN NONE OF OUR AQUINTANCE DOES?😂

Sorry I realize my surprise and experience may give you the same reaction I have regarding bouncing, it's just weird haha