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DannkHippo t1_j1qg4y9 wrote

Sorry that Christmas sucked for you, that all sounds like no fun.

Me and my wife were going to host on Christmas Eve, for my BIL and his fiance, and my FIL. which is fine, since we're centrally located between the two of them. My wife also really enjoys hosting.

We were going to have a Christmas brunch, which we had invited my FIL too (my MIL passed away a few years back and we don't like him being alone in the holidays). We were then going to go to my grandfather's house for afternoon drinks with my mom and stepfather.

We then were going to go to my dad's house for dinner with him and my stepmom.

We got COVID last week, so we did none of those... maybe that's something you could use in the future to have a quiet Christmas.. although it doesn't sound like some of his family would believe that's a real thing, by your explanation of them