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Confidenceisbetter t1_j23f1ug wrote

I’m sorry your hurting but for him this is the best thing. Dating someone with depression is hard, dating someone who commits suicide? Absolute hell. The fact that for you it’s not depression but psychosis doesn’t make it easier. If you’re not getting treatment that makes it even harder for him. And he decided he doesn’t want his life to be that hard which is completely fair. It would be selfish to try to get him back.


NovaLithic t1_j23i1jg wrote

Many people, at some time in their life, will suffer depression. Should they all just be abandoned in their darkest moment?


Confidenceisbetter t1_j23oebn wrote

Depression sucks. I’ve had it i know. But you need to recognize it’s not just hard for you and it’s not fair to expect other people to carry your burden with you. Nobody owes it to you to compromise their own mental health so you don’t feel worse or get hurt. If you have people who stick with you through such a difficult time, great! But those who can’t or don’t want to handle it are not bad people for looking after their own mental health first.


-Chris-V- t1_j23p30a wrote

No, but people who are dating and suffer extreme mental illness are often not emotionally or mentally available to be in a relationship. And we're not talking about garden variety depression, we're talking about a suicide attempt. It's not fair to expect the S/O in a situation like this to stick around walking on egg shells, unable to speak up or disagree for fear their partner might try again.

If these people do not have long term obligations to each other, they have no long term obligation to each other.


Finn_Guy t1_j24qgyr wrote

Just because I have depression doesn't mean I get to drag people down with me. If somebody can't hadle being with me, they're more than welcome to opt out.


MotoHULK t1_j23jmta wrote

The truth is most people will abandon you in a dusky moment, never mind a dark one.


Squigglepig52 t1_j248ipw wrote

Everybody has limits to what they can handle, everyone is allowed to think of their own mental health needs.

nobody has to sacrifice their own well being for you.

It's a shitty reality, but that's life.


Otfd t1_j2473xa wrote

Yeah but we all have our own will.

It takes a serious toll on your partner as well, if they choose to deal with it great! good on them, but if they don't that's completely reasonable too.


Finn_Guy t1_j24qfqv wrote

Just because I have depression doesn't mean I get to drag people down with me. If somebody can't hadle being with me, they're more than welcome to opt out.