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black34beard t1_j23g88g wrote

Drugs, lots and lots of drugs...


YoggyYog t1_j23ys29 wrote

You don’t know op, such a statement is presumptuous, obtuse, and just a judgy, dick move.


black34beard t1_j248q10 wrote

Go look at op's previous comments... Lots and lots of drugs... I'll take a written apology.


NeedsMaintenance_ t1_j25tnus wrote

Uh no, lol, in this case it's pretty damn clear that's exactly what it was.

u/black34beard did the actual legwork and looked into OP's history for an explanation and shared it with the class; all you accomplished was getting triggered for no reason.


stevem1015 t1_j25b8ls wrote

Actually he kinda does know based on comment history lol


jamrar_the_mighty t1_j24ou8a wrote

You don't know that for sure, this has happened to someone I know on multiple occasions who doesn't do drugs but will wake up knowing nothing at all including who they even are, no drugs, no drinks, nothing but stress going on in their life


black34beard t1_j25enli wrote

Read op's past comments / posts... I would like a written apology.