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Confidenceisbetter t1_j23f1ug wrote

I’m sorry your hurting but for him this is the best thing. Dating someone with depression is hard, dating someone who commits suicide? Absolute hell. The fact that for you it’s not depression but psychosis doesn’t make it easier. If you’re not getting treatment that makes it even harder for him. And he decided he doesn’t want his life to be that hard which is completely fair. It would be selfish to try to get him back.


majesticjules t1_j23fbjl wrote

Start with working on what caused the psychosis. Was it meds, was it illegal drugs, was it mental health related? These are all workable problems.


secrets3xlips t1_j23i7s8 wrote

The funny thing about psychosis is you never remember what your hallucinations are, I have had treatment resistant schizophrenia for 15 years and in the past I have been in and out of hospitals and not one person has remembered there hallucinations when in a state of psychosis. Stop lying.


NovaLithic t1_j23i8pq wrote

I'm sorry to read of your sufferring. It must be so distressing for you. I hope that with time your mental health resolves, and maybe your relationship.

I'm sure it feels unfair that something beautiful was damaged by something out of your control.


Flashy_Piglet_1781 OP t1_j23iloo wrote

I talked with my friend on the phone while I was full on in the psychosis, she retold how I behaved and what I talked about. For me I just remember the beginning of it, maybe the first 10 minutes while i still was myself and after that it’s all a fog/black.


Jesse_jessy t1_j23na6w wrote

I think walk him through you journey of progress so that he may understand what is happening to you. If he is able to experience that with you. He will understand that it was not your fault


Confidenceisbetter t1_j23oebn wrote

Depression sucks. I’ve had it i know. But you need to recognize it’s not just hard for you and it’s not fair to expect other people to carry your burden with you. Nobody owes it to you to compromise their own mental health so you don’t feel worse or get hurt. If you have people who stick with you through such a difficult time, great! But those who can’t or don’t want to handle it are not bad people for looking after their own mental health first.


-Chris-V- t1_j23p30a wrote

No, but people who are dating and suffer extreme mental illness are often not emotionally or mentally available to be in a relationship. And we're not talking about garden variety depression, we're talking about a suicide attempt. It's not fair to expect the S/O in a situation like this to stick around walking on egg shells, unable to speak up or disagree for fear their partner might try again.

If these people do not have long term obligations to each other, they have no long term obligation to each other.


-Chris-V- t1_j23pdez wrote

To answer your question "what should I do?"

You should seek treatment, go to therapy, and eventually become open to the reality that there are other fish in the sea.


DesignerBag96 t1_j23pvp8 wrote

I’m so sorry that you’re having to go through this. But right now you need to focus on you. You need to figure out why you had a psychosis episode and what brought you to that point and get help. You need to work on you.

I hate to say this (because you are hurting so bad right now) but your boyfriend is allowed to make his own choices and live the life he wants. If in the future IF he would like to talk to you that’s on his accord but what you did, how you acted, I don’t think you understand the entirety of it and what it did to him.

People are allowed to not want to be around people who have psychotic episodes or breakdown. Even though something medically could explain it, there are a lot of people when put in those situations are like “nope! Peace out!”

Even though you had a great relationship, your life is what needs focus now. Not repairing something irreparable. This is your growth period now. Focus on you, therapy, medication etc to get you back to a good place. Allow yourself to grieve the end of the relationship. Sometimes they just end without any explanation and ghost you. In this case it ended because a HUGE traumatic situation happened. Just walk away and work on you.


211115ws t1_j23u2xq wrote

I'm wondering if you had issues with mental health prior to this episode that he has found challenging to cope with. I can't imagine a decent, empathetic, and intelligent person walking out on a relationship over an isolated suicide attempt.

If he has, he is an arsehole and you are well rid of him. If not, consider what issues there may have been in the relationship before. Peace and love to you.


Malevolent_Mangoes t1_j23um14 wrote

That’s traumatizing. Not sure if there’s anything you can do. To him, you said you saw your future with him but from your actions you didn’t. I can’t imagine finding out your SO tried to end their own life while you weren’t there to stop them.

He’s breaking up with you because you’re unstable and he most likely can’t take someone messing around with his heart like that. He’s protecting himself by distancing from you.

Get the help you need and give him time. You could try to rekindle the relationship in a few months or years but I don’t know if it’s possible.


toppottoo t1_j23x6yc wrote

My ex had psychosis, she spent 3 months in hospital for it. She did remember, but when it happens there is nothing you can do. We broke up because of other reasons, but she always took her meds after this happened 15 years ago. She never had it again. It was the scariest thing that ever happened in my life.


toppottoo t1_j23xbz0 wrote

My ex had psychosis, she spent 3 months in hospital for it. She did remember, but when it happens there is nothing you can do. We broke up because of other reasons, but she always took her meds after this happened 15 years ago. She never had it again. It was the scariest thing that ever happened in my life.


Otfd t1_j2473xa wrote

Yeah but we all have our own will.

It takes a serious toll on your partner as well, if they choose to deal with it great! good on them, but if they don't that's completely reasonable too.


Squigglepig52 t1_j248ipw wrote

Everybody has limits to what they can handle, everyone is allowed to think of their own mental health needs.

nobody has to sacrifice their own well being for you.

It's a shitty reality, but that's life.


jamrar_the_mighty t1_j24ou8a wrote

You don't know that for sure, this has happened to someone I know on multiple occasions who doesn't do drugs but will wake up knowing nothing at all including who they even are, no drugs, no drinks, nothing but stress going on in their life


BiggBknob t1_j264boi wrote

A person who isn’t open to supporting you through your struggles was not meant for you


pogiguy2020 t1_j265cpl wrote

I am going to start by saying if you are having problems with the negative thoughts PLEASE seek help.

Not going into a very long drawn out story, but when I was 25 I caused the divorce from my first wife/marriage. I was young and stupid.

I also did not handle it well emotionally and I tried to kill myself by taking sleeping pills. I actually tried twice and the second time I somehow slept off 32 sleeping pills that I downed with a beer.

I know it is very difficult to see any light right now, but please get help. I made it thru mine pretty much on my own. I was a mess for a pretty long time.

Eventually I did meet someone else and have been happily married for 27 years now.


Psycho_Kronos t1_j265kdt wrote

Do you drink, take drugs, medication or have withdrawn from them recently? Are you depressed, anxious, have a phobia of any type? Do you experience episodic hallucinations, delusions, visions, bodily sensations, imagined voices?


isshearobot t1_j26veov wrote

I think it’s clear that your focus needs to be on your own mental health and well being and addressing the things that lead to you attempting to take your own life before you attempt any kind of romantic relationship.


ninjaofginjas t1_j270c4y wrote

this is the start of a beautiful journey, it’s time to find yourself. don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t boof, focus on your family and friends, and know that the past is the past.


Agitated_Year8521 t1_j270gax wrote

Makes sense.

You've got comments about advising people to smash mdma.

Please get help


Tanagrabelle t1_j270iii wrote

I am glad you are alive. I hope for you to get the help you need. Professional, and proper treatment.

I'm sorry you lost your boyfriend.


niko4ever t1_j2726tf wrote

What the fuck are you talking about, people I know who have had psychosis or schizophrenia might have fuzzy memories or sometimes forget, but it's not an automatic 100% erasure, some have snippets or fragments of it.


namesnipergd t1_j28rlro wrote

Bad things happen. But remember, tomorrow is a new day. If things don't go ok one day, wait for the next. You never know when something might happen that will change your life.

Hope you find a solution.