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Lucashmere t1_j1qtodc wrote

Bro, I was expecting to hear some truly embarrassing story… you didn’t screw anything up at all! Trust me, the fact that she spoke up about your actions to you, means that she likes you. If she didn’t like you, there would be no need on her part, to try to get you to open up. You had a perfect opportunity to talk about cuddling with her and then you changed the subject- that part you screwed up, sure, but idk why you sound as if the relationship is done for.

Now that you know she’s into you, try not to be so shy to talk about wanting to spend time with her/wanting to kiss her, etc. I overthink shit way too much too, but I promise you’re fine dude. If you want to shift gears you could tell her something like “hey I appreciate you being comfortable enough with me to ask me to open up more. I promise I will try, but I just want you to know that if I end up going back to my same ways, I’ll always respect you for being upfront with me the way you were the other day. I want you to know that I’ll put in effort to make this work, because I really like you.” Good luck m8, and have fun :)