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zZbobmanZz t1_izmer7d wrote

Why would she be mad at OP? How does that put a strain on the relationship? It's good information to know, now she knows she might have to look for another job or change something


TheBestMePlausible t1_izmfzuq wrote

It’s a human nature thing. Every time she looks at this guy, she’s going to think about that $20,000. It’s going to be awkward. I mean maybe not, you never know! Maybe she’ll take this as a learning moment and realize she should stop being late and put in more effort, look up to big bonus guy as a role model, it could happen. But odds are, awkward, at a minimum. Could get worse too, I’ve seen it happen.

People get jealous. It’s human nature. In an ideal world, sure, everyone would instantly unionize the minute they found out Sheryl at the register was getting two dollars an hour more than them. But that’s not what’s going to happen. It’s just going to make things weird now between you and Sheryl, who you used to like.
