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Ramona_Flours t1_j1smfi3 wrote

sounds like you saved her from having glass explode all over her


ThePartyWagon OP t1_j1smjir wrote

That’s what the fam said. Better me than 90 year old grandma.


ArltheCrazy t1_j1u77kx wrote

I’ve sold and installed shower doors for years. With tempered glass, any small hit on a corner or edge will do. My guys have had them explode while still wrapped from the factory and edge protected as they were carrying it.

I had a sliding door explode on me while trying to fix it. Not your FU, you just got caught holding the hot potato. Look in the corners of the other glass panel for a tempering logo. Then maybe talk to a local glass shop.

And, you have probably already learned this, please always wear shoes and safety glasses when dealing with glass.


radkiller22 t1_j1tkroz wrote

Could've scared the life out of her too


Raichu7 t1_j1tpat1 wrote

Could’ve done much worse than that considering how easily elderly people’s skin can tear. Grandma might have been seriously hurt.


svenvbins t1_j1tqxwi wrote

Grandma doesnt care about torn skin if she's dead though.


Filthyfrankfurter t1_j1ush1w wrote

Same thing happened to my brother when we were kids. The door wasn't jammed. He was taking a shower and it just exploded when he was getting out. Cut up his arm/feet pretty bad.