Submitted by [deleted] t3_zpo8st in tifu

Had an appointment today so I decided to take my dad's car to go there. But I don't my license yet but I've been taking quite a lot of lessons so I thought I would be fine. "I know how a car works, I've driven for quite a bit, I know the law and everything should go smoothly" I thought. but boy oh boy did I drive AWFUL. I didn't break anything but I've most likely wasted SO MUCH GAS IN THESE TIMES, the gear box is probably FUCKED because I kept stalling which rarely happens in my lessons, I've broken SO MANY LAWS, and my parking is just God fucking awful, I HIT SOMEONE'S MIRROR and the worst in my opinion is that I've probably PISSED OFF SO MANY PEOPLE. So uhhhhh yeah I'm very willing to pay whatever bills my dad receives because his dumbass son decided to drive without his permission and SUPERVISION. But hey. I didn't ran over a grandma so that's good.

TL;DR Had to go somewhere, took my dad's car, drove fucking shit and probably getting a lot of bills soon from my dad.



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Doom_Prophet t1_j0ttkd0 wrote

That's pretty irresponsible. You wouldn't of been insured. What if you'd actually had an accident?


[deleted] OP t1_j0ttxlj wrote

Wouldn't know. Probably have my dad pay it for now and pay him back after I've gotten enough. And not drive anymore for a loooooooong time.


Doom_Prophet t1_j0tv197 wrote

If you hit a pedestrian or cyclist you'd be absolutely fucked.


symcbean t1_j0wifi9 wrote

And what would your father have thought of you?


KeyToCancel t1_j0ttn8w wrote

I'm going to sound so much like an old man but that was so stupid.

Your dad's insurance won't pay out to fix people's cars as you're not covered and if you get an official complaint through police you could get banned from driving before you've even got your licence.


[deleted] OP t1_j0ttyvq wrote

Won't really mind if I got banned from driving. Not after that.


[deleted] OP t1_j0tt6pm wrote

Can't wait to see myself in r/idiotsincars!


GuidancePrevious7461 t1_j0ttg2d wrote

Could have been far worse, stopped by police. Probably had car taken etc


[deleted] OP t1_j0twfvf wrote



[deleted] OP t1_j0twxq5 wrote

Thanks, that's pretty much what I've learned after that. Now I've actually realized how many faults I still have in my driving and was just arrogant thinking I could just drive after taking so many lessons. I've taken about 50 hours in lessons so far and it's been going quite well the last 10 hours so I got too confident.