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AcrobaticSource3 t1_j26qyee wrote

Hey OP, you need to slow down and calm down. Last month you were contemplating suicide. Last week you were self harming. Now you are posting about getting drunk and doing drugs and trying to hook up. Either you are researching for a role on the “Kids” movie remake or you are going down a very dangerous path very early in your life. Take a step back and focus on school, only on school for awhile. Find someone to talk to if you need, your school should have a counselor


Visual_Mission_1459 OP t1_j26u5w4 wrote

i cant. i always do reckless things and just realized it. was in the hospital for an attempt a few weeks ago and then got asked for nudes and then i drank fucking smirnoff and took valium with friends and ive been going up and down up and down like depressed happy and whatever. im just really unstable and idk what to do atp. im too scared to stop ive gotten too far deep and i find drugs and alcohol fun anyways. also scared to snitch bc as i mentioned in a previous comment my friends know gang members and im afraid of what will happen if i say anything


Yourdepression t1_j26xoyp wrote

You can you just chose not to


Visual_Mission_1459 OP t1_j26z3ym wrote

i dont think you realize how addiction and mental health issues work.


Yourdepression t1_j26zmfy wrote

I’ve dealt with depression for the past 11 years of my life


Visual_Mission_1459 OP t1_j2704up wrote

yeah but its different for me. i cant just not selfharm or quit drugs and shi its hard aff. trust me i flushed over a hundred pills down the toilet once bc i promised myself i'd get clean but i just couldnt do it so i relapsed once i found more pills. im gonna smoke a gram of weed soon anywayss


-Chris-V- t1_j27eir8 wrote

Then get yourself into inpatient treatment/rehab. You probably ruined your friendship with that guy. He will not see you the same way again. Get your priorities straight.