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Paranoia_Pizza t1_j297m5l wrote

Lol just go get the STD test and give her the clean bill of health once you get it.

Then text her being like "so is it the scabies or are you itching to see me again?" 😅

Edited to add - always use protection too!!


MotoHULK t1_j29eztp wrote

If that doesn't get him a 2nd chance it wasn't meant to be


Duality26 t1_j297hq4 wrote

Lol Scabbies isn't some life threatening disease, nor some crazy incurable STD.

It's a rash, you're life is far from over. Get a grip.


AllanfromWales1 t1_j2994wv wrote

> Scabies is a contagious skin condition caused by tiny mites that burrow into the skin.

Worth avoiding.


Paranoia_Pizza t1_j29del9 wrote

Its still treatable fairly easily though isn't it?


AllanfromWales1 t1_j29e5a8 wrote

Depends what you mean by 'fairly easily'. Permethrin cream is reasonably effective, but not in all cases.


H3ll_Pr0digy t1_j298y1m wrote

Arent scabies bugs that burrow into your skin? Like... isn't that where the rash comes from? I've googled scabies a lot cause it's my worst fear.


TroublemakingB t1_j29dpzi wrote

WTF do the bugs come from?


H3ll_Pr0digy t1_j29dzfv wrote

It's like bed bugs. People just encounter them then they spread around. That's what I figure anyway but I'm not a scientist


Splyce123 t1_j297wvq wrote

Do you mean "scabies"? Because "scabbies" is an insult my Scottish father-in-law uses.


Icouldusesomerock t1_j2978ut wrote

Damn that’s some pirate stuff right there. Probably thinks your captain Long John Dickweed


Itchy-Profession-725 t1_j29n7uq wrote

If there was a god, I'm sure he would be hated For making bugs, this hell that was created Sit on a coat, put on a hat I am infested, it happens just like that I'm sure I hate 'em, there ain't no maybes Bodylice & crabs, headlice & scabies You take your pick They make me sick Well, I'll scratch until I bleed So there'll be scabs for me to pick....... -choking victim