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Robobvious t1_j1mpci8 wrote

If the spectrum goes from no autism to all the autism then everyone’s on it somewhere, lol.


BouncingDancer t1_j1mqxyx wrote

Probably some autism to all the autism.


uhrilahja t1_j1mx49v wrote

Yes. If someone's not autistic, they're not on the spectrum. It's a spectrum within autism, that includes people with different needs and strengths!


Valalvax t1_j1mxosk wrote

Yea, it's not even like a sliding scale chart, more like one of those 4 quadrant graph things


uhrilahja t1_j1nqb1v wrote

Indeed. Not "more" or "less" as the extreme options.


Xrgonic369 t1_j1mz1i6 wrote

“Spectrum” is a poor word because it implies a number line type deal, ranging from “not autistic” to “extremely autistic.” It’s more like a color wheel, where each color represents a symptom, and each color can be thought of as its own number line, where each autistic has more or less of each individual symptom. I am autistic.


individualizada t1_j1n1q9d wrote

No it doesn’t work like that at all, thank you very much. I get that your comment wasn’t meant with bad intentions but it is misinformation.


Robobvious t1_j1ozzvw wrote

I’d call it a joke but misinformation is certainly accurate too so fair enough.


Flat_Cod_747 t1_j1nq8as wrote

“Ofc everyone have money, money is a number and 0$ is a number!”