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velofille t1_j1mx53f wrote

i thought she wee was newish, like 2000's ?


StormyLlewellyn1 t1_j1nb50e wrote

It is. And this whole story is a current viral tiktok. I call bs.


GGU_Kakashi t1_j1ned9x wrote

This person definitely doesn't type like they're 63 too


Elrokk t1_j1nwzfb wrote

Was there even google 50 years ago?


Bike_Chain_96 t1_j1omcsk wrote

No; Google as a company began in the late '90's. Like, I'm 26 and am older than Google I know. Before that there were other search engines. But 50 years ago, in the '70's? Not sure that home internet was really even a thing back then


jesuzchrist t1_j1nhpwj wrote

Last week I saw a reddit comment where someone linked to a company selling them for $20, ones which were identical to those you can get on aliexpress for $2.


tragicworldrecord t1_j1n2rd0 wrote

It was invented in 1999, OP is making shit up


general_3d t1_j1n9vdy wrote

Yeah, fun fact: Before '99, literally nobody had the idea for women to pee through a funnel, and there were no such products.

Shee-wee was the first and only brand.



BleedingTeal t1_j1nafcn wrote

Not to mention that Google was founded in 1998. Prior to Google there really wasn’t an easy way to search out knowledge, let alone e-commerce being a thing. But the first credited search engine that I know of is Archie, which was created in 1990. This story takes place 6 years before I was born: in 1975. Either this story is completely fabricated, or the names & details have been changed to protect the innocent. Such as the “dad” in the story is actually OP, and this story actually happened within the last few years.


not-my-day-job t1_j1nogy0 wrote

OP wasn’t saying they googled it at the time, they’re suggesting the reader should google it to find out what the item looks like


AspenRiot t1_j1nip6g wrote

So? None of these things are mentioned in the story.

FWIW I'm slightly suspicious of the writer's story, but not because of... the age of Google and e-commerce?


MangosArentReal t1_j1nzcwq wrote

>Not to mention that Google was founded in 1998. Prior to Google there really wasn’t an easy way to search out knowledge, let alone e-commerce being a thing.

Re-read the post. OP is telling Redditors to Google it. He didn't say they Googled it in 1975.


Paechs t1_j1n6spl wrote

OP isn’t making shit up, just probably couldn’t think of the name. My dad and his brothers made an ad for one far before the 90s that they called the “shoe-dry” but it was intended for old dudes that had trouble not pissing on their shoes. Not a new concept by any means.


BleedingTeal t1_j1nak1q wrote

The 1990s would still be 15+ years after this would have happened which was 1975. It may not be entirely made up, but as written it is entirely false.


Paechs t1_j1nb0o4 wrote

I said far before the 90s, I don’t know when it was, but my dad is also 63 like this guy and they were quite young. Wasn’t when he was a kid, but I don’t see any reason the idea couldn’t have existed before it caught on in America


angry_cabbie t1_j1ngp22 wrote

The Urinelle was the first mass-produced female urinary assistant device, per Google. It came out in 1996. It definitely was not the first such device, but it was the first mass produced device.


Amiiboid t1_j1nda01 wrote

There were functionally equivalent products at least as far back as the early 80s. I remember seeing them explicitly marketed toward people going fishing.


Smirkydarkdude t1_j1n40od wrote

Technically that may not have been the literal name of the product. I had to Google to find a name for a female urine funel thing. Plus the brand names in Canada may have been different from US names. The closest match I could find was the "she-wee". But for sure it was a plastic lady pee gizmo.