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Paechs t1_j1n6spl wrote

OP isn’t making shit up, just probably couldn’t think of the name. My dad and his brothers made an ad for one far before the 90s that they called the “shoe-dry” but it was intended for old dudes that had trouble not pissing on their shoes. Not a new concept by any means.


BleedingTeal t1_j1nak1q wrote

The 1990s would still be 15+ years after this would have happened which was 1975. It may not be entirely made up, but as written it is entirely false.


Paechs t1_j1nb0o4 wrote

I said far before the 90s, I don’t know when it was, but my dad is also 63 like this guy and they were quite young. Wasn’t when he was a kid, but I don’t see any reason the idea couldn’t have existed before it caught on in America


angry_cabbie t1_j1ngp22 wrote

The Urinelle was the first mass-produced female urinary assistant device, per Google. It came out in 1996. It definitely was not the first such device, but it was the first mass produced device.