Submitted by Im_InYour_Balls t3_zyjpqe in tifu

19M, turning 20 next month.

Over a year ago (last year, late January-early February), I had persistent bleeding for a week, covering the toilet bowel. Never got it checked out but the doctor gave me movicol and it went away. After over a year later, I’ve had stomach pain (tenderness when touched), inconsistent bowel movements for the past few months and it all stemmed from one bleeding episode I had a few months back. There was pain during bowel movements for a few weeks and then eventually there was blood once.

I’m worried I left this issue alone only to make myself suffer the consequences. I feel as though there were polyps bleeding for a week and now after a year, it’s developed into cancer. I can’t recall if I’ve had bleeding on and off as a little boy, but I’m scared for the future and my dreams have me going through cancer. This fucking sucks

TL;DR. Dismissed bright red bleeding last year. Lasted a week and now I may have cancer. Getting a colonoscopy soon hopefully.



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looptarded t1_j26ahyg wrote

At your age it’s most likely haemorrhoids. Bright red blood indicates it’s a low anorectal lesion. Try not to stress until your colonoscopy.


alertthenorris t1_j273g94 wrote

Highly likely heamy's. I am one who suffers from them quite often when i eat poorly. Keep your diet in check. A burst Haemy can paint that toilet red, and then you wipe, and it's almost just blood.


Global_Monk_5778 t1_j26bwp9 wrote

My husband just got checked out for this. Bright red blood is fresh blood and therefore it’s new and from around the anus - most likely tears. Cancer is from deeper within and therefore the blood is darker, more brown and older as it’s had to travel through you. Or that’s what he was told. He had to give a sample and everything was fine. Of course please please go get checked out and get a sample taken but everything may be ok. Worrying about it will be giving you a bad stomach anyway. You could have a rupture. You could have any number of things going on, but the original doc should have checked you over properly not just given you movicol. Fingers crossed OP.


Im_InYour_Balls OP t1_j26kfk1 wrote

Thank you so much. My fingers are also crossed. I’m hoping next year will be better


Knickers_in_a_twist_ t1_j26ycet wrote

I can’t believe in mentioning this on reddit for the third time in just as many days, but if you ever notice black poop after taking some pepto bismol (you mention of bowl movement issues brought this to mind) don’t have a huge freak out. The bismuth in pepto can turn some of your poop black.


Im_InYour_Balls OP t1_j27kyib wrote

I haven’t black stool or pepto bismol ever. Just black specks in stool and on toilet paper.

Isn’t pepto bismol supposed to be good for the stomach??


Lumpy-Ad-3201 t1_j291rys wrote

Pepto is composed of pink bismuth, and even though it works, doctors aren't completely sure exactly why. They have some strong theories that make sense medically, but the exact mechanism isn't known. When you digest it, your body breaks it down to bismuth and other things. Since bismuth is essentially inert in the digestive system, it gets moved out as what it is: ultra-fine particles of a dull grey metal.

It makes poops turn grey or black, in some cases. Totally normal.


Impressive_Teach9188 t1_j27i676 wrote

It's more than likely hemorrhoids, I had the same problem around that age and went through 2 Colonoscopies for them to find nothing serious. The doctors just recommended a diet change and start using stool softener


Im_InYour_Balls OP t1_j26neu2 wrote

And yeah I don’t know why the original doc was so laid back about my persistent bleeding. This new GP I saw said to me “you had a week’s worth of bleeding…and they didn’t get you checked out immediately??”


Global_Monk_5778 t1_j28bjjj wrote

At least they’re checking it out now. Something you have to learn about GPs - they’re spread very thin and know a tiny bit about lots of different things. If you ever think they should have done something else or haven’t done enough, don’t ever be afraid to ask to see a different GP for a second opinion. They aren’t specialists about any condition and often haven’t even heard of some of them that I have! So don’t ever be afraid to push for more help if you feel you need it.


theRegVelJohnson t1_j27501n wrote

MD here. A lot of misinformation in these responses. Red blood is not only from close to the anus. Bright red blood (hematochezia) is generally associated with lower GI origin, which includes all of the colon. And it is definitely one of the presenting symptoms of colon cancer.

Yes, it is also associated with hemorrhoids. And in a 20 year old, that it a higher on the differential. But it should still be checked out. Which means a visit where someone actual does an exam and confirms you have hemorrhoids, or an additional workup (e.g. colonoscopy) if no hemorrhoids are detected. There are other explanations for bleeding that may be common in younger people, and also associated with irregular bowel habits, such as inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's and ulcerative colitis). And if I saw a 20 year old with irregular bowel habits, bleeding and abdominal pain, that would be my working diagnosis. A colonoscopy will work to evaluate for that, as well.

Bottom line: If you are having bleeding associated with bowel movements, do not write it off.


Im_InYour_Balls OP t1_j27ldih wrote

Thank you, I won’t be writing it off. I’m gonna ask to push my scope


Locke_and_Lloyd t1_j29s8jz wrote

+1 for IBD of some sort. But even if it is cancer, a relatively good prognosis is likely. Certainly compared to the senior population at least.


bowlofjello t1_j269uia wrote

I don’t really see a FU. You said you went to the Dr and the bleeding went away. No FU there.

And now a year later you’re new having problems you weren’t having last year so there wouldn’t have been a way to stop it from happening.

And now you’ve already scheduled an appointment to get this new problem checked out and sorted. Which isn’t a FU.

Health problems you have no control over starting/happening aren’t a FU and you’re doing what you can to check things out.

No FU here.


Im_InYour_Balls OP t1_j26ijym wrote

I appreciate you and your reassurance. This whole thing is just getting to me now. I’ve developed health anxiety ever since I caught Covid as an unvaccinated citizen near the start of this year so maybe those two correlate?


Embarrassed-Bus-8591 t1_j26uf1h wrote

30M here, I can relate to what you’re going through. I had a colonoscopy at 25, due to seeing blood when I wiped. I occasionally get light amounts of blood in my stool, usually due to stress or diet. The good news is the colon cancer is very rare at your age, but it’s still good to get checked. My family has a history of colon cancer so I’m probably going to have another one before I’m 40.

How red was the blood? If the blood was very “blood” colored you may have just ruptured a hemorrhoid. If it looked more like a mixture of blood and feces, it may be more serious.

Also, be prepared to pay a hefty price for the colonoscopy if it turns out to be negative. They usually aren’t covered until you’re over 50.


Im_InYour_Balls OP t1_j26wxfa wrote

In Australia I think it’s 1500 to 2000. It’s only a couple weeks of pay so not too bad I guess


Embarrassed-Bus-8591 t1_j26ybah wrote

That’s not too bad. In US, it’s about that much. Ironically, if they find cancer, our insurance covers it, but if not, they won’t.


Bufful t1_j2689q1 wrote

If it makes you feel any better my dad ignored it for six years till it finally did him in so your doing better then some.


AcrobaticSource3 t1_j26rwva wrote

Your FU was waiting to see a doctor, but you’re taking care of that now. Describe your stool besides the blood, is it liquid or hard solid? You might have cancer, but even if you do that doesn’t mean it’s fatal. You also might have Chrons disease, ulcerative colitis, or any other IBS. You also might have a parasite or ringworm. It could be lots of things, so don’t freak out right now.


dysphoricllama t1_j26uciw wrote

Step away from Dr Google and don't panic. It could be anything - they'll figure it out.

You could have IBD as others have mentioned (crohn's, colitis) - could be sooooo many different things. Just chill and get it looked after.

I'm by nature an extremely anxious person. CBT helped - catastrophizing is not your friend.

Good luck and hope it turns out to be something simple.


Im_InYour_Balls OP t1_j26xbdb wrote

Thank you, I definitely want to step away from Google and the forums after this post. My gastro issues started as a constant pain and has kinda just turned into a lesser, but noticeable issue. Some days I’ll feel fine in my stomach but every day, my bowel movements will be the same concerning movements that make get me down in the dumps


grunkage t1_j27y9bf wrote

Absolutely get checked out, but don't freak out too bad. I've had similar episodes throughout my life - all hemorrhoids.


NeroVol t1_j26lgr9 wrote

Unless you have a strong familial history of colon cancer, it's rare for someone so young to get colon cancer.


Im_InYour_Balls OP t1_j26n3o5 wrote

My great grandpa supposedly had it but as my nan was explaining his symptoms, it sounded more like esophagul cancer, considering he smoked at a very young age back then up until his late fourties’


iClawuCryV2 t1_j272but wrote

If it makes you feel any better, I’ve had moderate-severe bleeding (and a variety of other hellacious symptoms)from 18-24 years old from Crohn’s disease. It’s possible (but unlikely) to be colon cancer at your age, The most likely and a very common cause is hemorrhoids. If I were back in your situation with the knowledge I have now, I would wait until you have all of the test results before stressing and worrying. You can’t do anything about it until you know what “it” is.


Im_InYour_Balls OP t1_j27l7xi wrote

Thank you my friend, it’s good to hear some people have had the same stresses in life. How are you doing now with Crohn’s? Isn’t that a dangerous condition as well?

Also happy cake day


iClawuCryV2 t1_j28tdq8 wrote

Thankfully I’m doing much better. At my worst it was 40 bowel movements daily with bleeding. Crohn’s is definitely dangerous, especially if you can’t find something that works for you since not everything out there works for everyone.

I tried to go the whole medical/doctor route, but after 6 years of threats that I’m going to lose my colon (which by the way fuck those doctors trying to use fear on a surgery that A. Makes them decent money and B. Doesn’t even work and causes other issues) and just pumping my body with nonstop chemicals and poison, and it just getting worse with them I went the natural route. Lots of crazy people in the natural world but eventually found a multi-generational family of homeopaths in India as a literal last resort. Within’ 4 months I have my life back lol.


alundaio t1_j27ls1u wrote

Usually won't be bright red. It's usually dark almost black. Need a kit to detect blood in stool. My father survived colon cancer he had at aged 31 now 70. His sister died from colon cancer at age 68. Get the colonoscopy because by the time you do detect something wrong it's already too late.


smokeywokeypokey t1_j28c1iu wrote

Don’t jump right for the big C. My SO suffers from colitis and his brother suffers from chrons disease, this is an inflammatory condition that affects the bowels and causes bleeding out your bum when untreated.

They both manage it with medication and have been for years with no issue.

Don’t diagnose yourself and don’t plan your funeral until a doctor gives you diagnosis or prognosis.


andrewholding t1_j28g1db wrote

I went through this in my late 30s. We found I had polyps that needed removing but not cancer. Best of luck for the colonoscopy, all you can do is get it checked. Don’t avoid that.

You’re really young for bowel cancer, so don’t panic, it could be a few things. Just get make sure you get it checked. What will be will be. But getting check and having answers is the best outcome right now.

If I can help DMs are open. The experience sucked but I’m managing fine now.


SmoothJazziz1 t1_j2b4jrb wrote

Given your age I would say that is highly unlikely you have colon cancer (CC). Everything I've read and heard posits that CC typically presents after 40. I'm positive there are exceptions but at this point I would say get bloodwork, a thorough exam and a colonoscopy as soon as you can. Bleeding is a sign something is wrong, but it could just be something that's easily treatable like hemorrhoids, or a bowel disorder that can be managed with a change in diet/medication.

I am a CC survivor; I was diagnosed in 2009, had resection surgery in 2010 and I am typing this to you today. CC is typically a slow growing cancer and can be treated without chemo/radiation if it is caught early on. My Oncologist estimated mine had been growing for 4/5 years before it presented symptoms.

When my family broke the news of the diagnosis to me, my very first response was, "Ok, what do we have to do next? Whatever you do, stay positive regardless of the results, as worrying, in itself, can cause health issues. In the meantime: evaluate your diet, eliminate as much junk food as you can, increase your intake of vegetables/fruit and exercise. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise program is the key to increasing your chances of fighting off whatever you are diagnosed with.

Let us know how things turn out and have as happy of a New Year as you can.


Im_InYour_Balls OP t1_j2bugpv wrote

Thank you so much for replying and sharing your story. I’m sorry about your diagnosis. I’m really hoping it’ll be a lifelong condition that I can easily treat at least


SmoothJazziz1 t1_j2dfxzg wrote

You're welcome. Yes, and for you, I hope it is something that's benign/manageable. Good luck.


bStewbstix t1_j26gf5m wrote

I’m over 50 and failed the blood in the BM test, doc says that indicates a 5% chance of cancer. You being young would make that chance VERY low.


bros402 t1_j26uc4o wrote

You went to the doctor.

There are a lot of reasons for your ass to run red that aren't cancer. It's probably hemorrhoids


Im_InYour_Balls OP t1_j26xkqr wrote

My diet was definitely not good. Dirty bulking while gymming, a LOT of protein and no fibre, fruit or veggies. My stress levels have risen and emotions have plummeted due to health anxiety so now I’m wondering if this is all connected


bros402 t1_j26yzjq wrote

bad diet doesn't cause cancer

but it can make difficult shits which makes the hemorrhoids


Kamil_khattak t1_j270kln wrote

Please go and get checked. Just lost a family member who was 26 because he ignored the symptoms. Hopefully it’s nothing sinister but always better to be safe than sorry later. Stay positive my friend.


gigadope t1_j276k0a wrote

You just have hemorrhoids bro chill


Formisonic t1_j27bm1h wrote

Get that Scopey, bud. You're probably fine. And if you're not fine, then you're still "fine" because you're being proactive about it!


Setthegodofchaos t1_j27hjp1 wrote

If this is your first time getting a colonoscopy, I'd recommend heading over to r/colonoscopy. They can give you plenty of tips and pointers


cyzad4 t1_j28s97m wrote

Could be a few different things, i would try not to get yourself too worked up. I had something similar a while ago ended up being minor colitis, so i just dont eat anything super salty and more less cut out dairy. Get your colonoscopy and You'll be good my dude, no worries


serf_mobile t1_j294ttj wrote

It's extraordinarily rare for people under 30 to have colon/colorectal cancer. I went to the doctor a handful of years ago for some digestive system issues and my doc told me the #1 reason by far for blood in your stool in younger people is hemorrhoids.

You absolutely need to get checked out, but I personally have way, WAY too much experience fearing the worst about things only to find out in the end it was some minor shit that was pretty easily resolved. Stressing over what might be, only makes you miserable for no reason at all. Get answers first before thinking the absolute worst.


Sudden_Wasabi_5931 t1_j29ur2a wrote

My moms gyno told her she was too young when she asked the Dr to feel a lump in her breast. She waited a year to get a second opinion - 15 year battle with cancer she eventually lost. Point is, trust your gut and push for another opinion if you feel something isn’t right.


fkbaird t1_j2a5uyg wrote

Trust in your doctor. Try your best to clear your mind.


ManaGauge t1_j2abfgo wrote

I had similar problems early on. It was all Hemorrhoids. I was freaking out and googling it all the time lol.

Your best bet is to stop googling it, it took me months to figure that out. For the love of god STOP googling your lower GI symptoms. Thats honestly like the WORST set of symptoms to google since its really easy to convince yourself it's cancer.

Also: If it's associated with stress, you might be looking at an IBD/IBS diagnosis!


Zaynara t1_j2asfkw wrote

Dude. last year for my birthday i had similar, passing blood in large quantities, it was a polyp that had turned cancerous, and they ALSO discovered a lesion in my small intestine that was cancerous, i lost some of the end of my small intestine and my ascending colon and they scraped the polyp and rectal wall out and i'm going for one year colonoscopy end of next month, then again i was 39 then, so its a better chance its haemorrhoids for you, so good luck that its something simple


h311r47 t1_j2auy1d wrote

I was diagnosed with gastric cancer in my 30s. I've had a history of bloody stool. They were completely unrelated. Hemorrhoids are way more likely. Cancer at your age is unlikely, though, as I can attest as a cancer survivor, getting it checked out is the right thing to do. You'll feel a lot better when they are able to tell you exactly what is causing this and how to prevent it. Try not to sweat it too much and stop Googling it! The Internet will tell you everything is a symptom of terminal cancer!


Su-at-sapo t1_j2dhfko wrote

Taking iron supplements will also turn your poop black and will give you a huge constipation that can hurt you and give you hemorrhoids (hence the bleeding) I hope nothing serious comes out of those exams. 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽


thingsorfreedom t1_j28ionz wrote

What you describe suggests you may have Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's Disease. Definitely need to have that colonoscopy to confirm or rule this out. Both these conditions are treatable but cannot be ignored.


[deleted] t1_j26qyof wrote



Im_InYour_Balls OP t1_j26ri2z wrote

That’s fucked


SoflaSF t1_j26w2ib wrote

see a doctor - colon cancer is one of the worst deaths... here's a google:

What is the death rate of colon cancer?

If the cancer is diagnosed at a localized stage, the survival rate is 91%. If the cancer has spread to surrounding tissues or organs and/or the regional lymph nodes, the 5-year survival rate is 72%. If colon cancer has spread to distant parts of the body, the 5-year survival rate is 14%.