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waetherman t1_j02ksfm wrote

"which sounds like I"m a psychopath and the worst parent ever"

Um, yeah, it doesn't just sound like that.

I mean, we all improvise this parenting thing and I'm right there with you in telling wacky tales, but this one really pushes it. Gotta check that stuff before it leaves your mouth, or at the very least roll it back real quick.


christycat17 t1_j0312mx wrote

Lol am I the only one that’s like this is bat-shit crazy?! My parent told us joke stories like this but quickly let us in on the joke; found in a bush, that they turn into wolves on a full moon, etc. Idk man, it’s a very bizarre story to come up with much less continue.


yazzy1233 t1_j03h88k wrote

He literally said his daughter doesn't actually believe it. It would be different if she truely bought the story .


christycat17 t1_j03lbj4 wrote

Well he literally wrote his impression of her mental process…but you are right, it’s not like 6 year olds are suggestible or that they can maybe interpret some moral to the story of what happens to bad little girls. I’ll just leave the parenting to all the well-adjusted adults…👀


heardemsay97 t1_j03ehbz wrote

Sounds like the kid was mainly playing along with the joke.