Submitted by InfluenceImmediate57 t3_zxv1qk in tifu

I (fem 18) have had a long history of ghosting guys this year. No one has really wowed me enough to spend more time on them. Then I met this guy (18) who seemed to be a great guy. He’s funny,sweet, genuine and overall pretty attractive. We’ve had a lot in common and i’ve enjoyed our deep talks. I started to show interest and now we are only two weeks in (talking). He already making innuendos about loving me. Using a certain emoji to say it instead of outright saying it. I have expressed that I cannot deal with such because that scares me away tbh. He will go on rants about how amazing, beautiful, perfect I am but at some point we gotta stop. He seems obsessed and I don’t even feel like I know barely anything about him. It’s gone to the point he told his mother about me and she got ahold of my number…. needless to say, he’s great but this isn’t going to work. Now ghosting him seems a tad bit harder now. Advice?

TL;DR- A guy is a tad bit in love with me and now i’m struggling to ghost him



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SlowCrates t1_j22gb5f wrote

Ghosting people isn't the way to go. Be direct and clear and you'll get the results you want without dragging people along or confusing them.


Dinx81 t1_j22gyb4 wrote

Tell him you think he is going too fast for you. If he continues tell him its not going to work out. On another note its not a good idea to ghost everyone you don’t see a relationship with. Start telling these people the truth.


OC-Dilly t1_j256l9w wrote

Ghosting is childish.


redbucket75 t1_j22gpls wrote

Well you're either deleting his number, blocking him, and never seeing him again - or you're not. There's no other way to "ghost".

If you're not comfortable with that, tell him you've appreciated his friendship but aren't interested in a romantic relationship - so if he's cool with that you'd like to hang out as friends, but if he's not cool with that it's ok and you can both move on?


OkVolume1 t1_j23tdag wrote

Sounds like this guy is a Ghostbuster


Batfern t1_j2994uo wrote

Ghosting is for cowards and assholes. Just tell him he’s going to fast or that your no longer interested. If he doesn’t take it well that’s when you block/ghost him.