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LorenzoStomp t1_j2f1blg wrote

The best apology is taking action to not let it happen again. Quit drinking. Go to therapy, both individual and couples. Don't make her drag you or do all the work of setting up the appts, take initiative and suggest it and follow through yourself. If she doesn't want couples therapy go to individual by yourself. PsychologyToday's Therapist Finder makes it very easy to get connected if you are in the US and several other European/South American countries.


chitown_og22 t1_j2fpjxc wrote

Thank you so much for your objective look on the situation. I did take your advice, and we talked about the problem.

I’m quitting drinking, and signing up for therapy. Hope to start this week.

Thank you again. I know a lot of folks here just comment insults but your comment in 1 in a million.