Submitted by HushedCalli t3_zpjx5n in tifu

Earlier today, my mom asked for me to make her some ramen. So I boiled some water to pour into it. I didn't want to get hot water on the counters where the cats would be able get to it, so I moved over to the sink. Probably the biggest mistake I've ever made.   

I held the cup over the sink and started pouring the water. My hands are shaky and weak, so I messed up. Boiling water poured all over my left hand. Surprisingly, I didn't scream; instead, I just cried quietly and continued pouring water into the ramen.   

Now 2 of my fingers are red and feel like they're on fire; pain medications aren't even working. I've put petroleum jelly on them, and that made it worse. But at least my mom got her ramen.  

TL;DR: I boiled water to make ramen and accidentally poured it on my hand.



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Nemain-Tankgirl t1_j0tmdd9 wrote

Cool running water for a burn until the pain stops... not even kidding...and always see a Dr

As for cup o noodles.... pour in boiling water and cover for 2 - 3 minutes.... it doesn't work instantly


AcrobaticSource3 t1_j0tcq4o wrote

Wait, is this ramen in a packet? Don’t you put the packet into boiling water, and not vice verse? Or is it in a cup, like cup o noodles?


HushedCalli OP t1_j0tcz78 wrote

Cup of noodles. According to my ma, they're not supposed to be microwaved. We still ended up microwaving it cause the boiling water didn't work


Kubliah t1_j0vp16r wrote

You gotta let them steep! Pour the water in and put the cover back on, let sit for five minutes or so...


dewaine01 t1_j0vj82i wrote

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with microwaving cup o noodles


Kubliah t1_j0voue1 wrote

The foam isn't microwave safe...


dewaine01 t1_j0vper2 wrote

I’ve never had issues microwaving the foam containers. As long as there’s water inside they’re not going to melt. I’ve made HUNDREDS of cup noodles in the microwave.


Kubliah t1_j0vu13v wrote

Yeah I used to do that for years too but It doesn't have to melt to be dangerous, it can still leech chemicals like styrene into your noodles. Safer just to get an electric kettle and pour it in.


AITAMarriedLady t1_j0wk1of wrote

You do realize it's legitimately the heat that causes leaching, not the microwave heat? Pouring hot water into the cup causes the same issue


Kubliah t1_j0zrjkv wrote

Microwaves don't heat evenly, they superheat some parts and underheat others. If you don't think that a microwave can get the foam hotter than pre-boiled water then I don't know what to tell you other than it's still better to be safe than sorry.


Zaknafeyn t1_j0vqcl9 wrote

It is unless you do it for an unreasonable time.

When I was a kid a foam plate would melt in seconds, now that they changed the recipe Ive had some last like 5 mins with slight deformation


terminally-happy t1_j0un75x wrote

Oh my god I did this once when I was in Nepal! I poured boiling water on my whole hand in the middle of the night, I was way too terrified to scream or make a noise because I didn’t want to wake anyone. Just did the cold water trick and sobbed silently. I was convinced I was going to wake up with a giant blister or something crazy.

Nothing ever happened! Not a single blister or any sign of damage. Just hurt like hell!!!


HushedCalli OP t1_j0ux8w5 wrote

That's what's happening to me rn. No blisters or anything, it just hurts. At least it wasn't my right hand.


terminally-happy t1_j0uxfh1 wrote

Oh good I’m glad to hear you’re okay so far! If you can get a small towel really wet and stick it in the freezer for a while it might be nice to hold onto and numb your hand a bit. Good luck friend!


HushedCalli OP t1_j0uxmlw wrote

Oki, I'll keep that in mind! Have a good day!


onyxaj t1_j0wy6l6 wrote

Do NOT ice a burn. It's sounds good, bit it's really bad. Also don't run cold water on it. Cool to room temp is best.


OberonPrimeGX t1_j0zqz6q wrote

Immediately icing burns causes tissue scarring if I recall correctly? 9th grade science teacher had to help a student that burned her hand and I recall her getting mad at us for using ice water. Told us to use cool running water from the sink first.


unreal_laernu t1_j0u9060 wrote

Aloe and Raw honey are both also amazing on burns. Separately, not mixed together - at least I've never tried them together!


worldlylayout31 t1_j0tydfa wrote

Well, it looks like you've really "noodled" this one up! Let's hope your hand starts feeling "souper" soon.


Wild-Painting9353 t1_j0tbwxp wrote

Petroleum locks the heat in, and cooks a burn. Room temp water is safer. If you are blistering, please see a doctor. Otherwise, an ice pack for 10-15 minutes, then no ice for 15-20, then repeat. Hope you feel better soon!


saahaw t1_j0tdp0b wrote

No never put ice on a burn it can deepen the burn because it constricts the blood vessels. Holding the burn under cool running water for 20mins is what you do


ZlatanKabuto t1_j0u8lgs wrote

Interesting, thank you. I've never used ice anyway, but now I know that it needs to be avoided


Kubliah t1_j0vph72 wrote

But fire and ice are opposites!


HushedCalli OP t1_j0tccbw wrote

Omg so that's why it burned like hell


Kimmers7883 t1_j0xuji4 wrote

Next time, sit the container down into the sink and pour the water. You won't have to worry about burning anything. As far as the cats and the hot water on the counter, they would've been fine. It wouldn't have stayed hot long enough for a bit of water, to actually hurt them! I hope you feel better


Frogsnotjesus t1_j0tzbnt wrote

Dude I did this like a week ago but with tea🙃 I just held freezies+frozen veggies in my hand until it didn’t hurt anymore


eo1ian t1_j0vy73z wrote

I did the same except it was instant mashed potatoes and I was pouring the water into a measuring cup in my hand. As soon as the boiling water hit my hand, it jerked violently, throwing the cup of water at my face. I spent the next hour or two in the shower with cold water flowing over my face. It’s the only way to make the pain stop. In the end it was like I had a patchy chemical peel on half of my face. I looked like a zombie for a few days, but once the peeling stopped, the skin underneath was nice and fresh.


clarkbartron t1_j0wj01b wrote

Hope the pain goes away soon.


coffeebuzzbuzzz t1_j0vzjjo wrote

It doesn't have to be boiling. If your tap is hot enough that should be sufficient. You just have to wait a few minutes and make sure it's covered.