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HezzeroftheWezzer t1_j20069r wrote

>Are you a JW?

Yes. However, I was raised by a Jehovah's Witness mother and Roman Catholic father.

Until I was a teenager, I had a foot in both worlds ... all the teachings from my Mom and birthdays, holidays, etc. with Dad and his family.

When I went to college, I walked away from everything on both sides. I wasn't following JW's, but I also wasn't celebrating holidays because I knew their true origins - and it was not in Christian or Bible teachings. It made no more sense to me than if I just started randomly observing Hanukkah or Kwanzaa.

In my mid-20s, after college and marriage, I started examining other religions, talking with various ministers, but in every case there were too many examples of their teachings in conflict with specific Bible principles and they could offer no explanation or reconciliation.

There was literally only one religion that followed the Bible completely, so I started studying the Bible again with them, as did my husband. We did for two years and were baptized. (My husband was previously Methodist and Baptist.)