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RudeSprinkles1240 t1_j0oqk6j wrote

Baking soda? Wouldn't that make them taste so bad you couldn't eat enough of them to make you sick? I've dissolved baking soda in water for really bad indigestion-- like more than twice the recommended amount, and didn't get diarrhea from it.


throwawaydiglet OP t1_j0oqn4c wrote

unfortunately I'm extremely sensitive to it and couldn't taste it until it was too late


RudeSprinkles1240 t1_j0p65hv wrote



throwawaydiglet OP t1_j0p86ck wrote

i- doubtful of WHAT


RudeSprinkles1240 t1_j0pb754 wrote

Of you telling the truth.


throwawaydiglet OP t1_j0pcfeo wrote

I beg of you to tell me exactly what is hard to believe about being sensitive to something and then experiencing a reaction to that thing. go on.


RudeSprinkles1240 t1_j0pdszo wrote

Osmosis is objective physics and baking soda objectively tastes bad.

Edit: but if your claim is that you're too stupid to recognize that there's an ungodly amount of baking soda in something that should have none, then okay. You're either very very stupid or lying.


throwawaydiglet OP t1_j0pg1g4 wrote

okay so let me get this choose to claim that something is false because YOU have an opinion on a single object. fun fact, being sensitive to bicarb soda is very much a thing and I react to even the smallest amounts. reason I couldn't taste it? other flavours were overpowering it. I guess next time I need to include a 2 hour audio plus 20 pictures and a flavour sample?