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nacari0 t1_j1ec9x1 wrote

Whats wrong with ur dad? Kicking out his own daughter like that, making her homeless. Shame on him.


Sarcastic-pickle2 OP t1_j1ef75k wrote

No my dad would never make me homeless he knew my aunt would take me in. He loves me too much to do that to me


Xeni966 t1_j1eok2y wrote

He kicked you out. Knowing you're in school and have no full time job. "Oh my daughter slept with my sister's fiancee when they weren't together at the time. Get out of my house. I'm sure someone else will take you in even though I haven't checked." Loves you too much? What? I know it's not my place and I'm not there but dude, he kicked you out for what I would say was a small mistake when you're at an age where you're figuring things out


Sarcastic-pickle2 OP t1_j1gjntg wrote

That wasn't exactly how he saw it. It was my fault. I went after him the day after they broke up

My dad gets angry easily and overreacts but he cools down


Limp_Will16 t1_j1emtqk wrote

Nope. Sorry. That still makes no sense.

Did they talk? Is that part of your punishment to live with her? Like the idea was to make you think you were risking homelessness but the family knew your aunt was going to take you in?

Otherwise how would your dad know that the victim of your poor choice would offer such a generous solution?


Sarcastic-pickle2 OP t1_j1eo21a wrote

Because she is basically my mom. I knew she would let me in when I showed up at her home. I mean yeah she was my last option because I was too embarrased to go there but I knew she would let me in


rhymes_with_snoop t1_j1hc7ml wrote

It's also shitty of your dad to put your aunt in that position, making her choose between living with the person that helped torpedo her life or leaving her niece to fend for herself on the streets. It shouldn't be left to your aunt to punish you or take care of you after this, and if your dad figured she would let you in and thought his anger at what you did was more valid than her anger at actually being the wronged party, he sounds insufferable.

Tl;dr: your dad's a dick, and not just to you.


nacari0 t1_j1ehmtb wrote

Okay my bad but still rough to throw u out of the house like that. Anyway the fault lies at this other guy in his 30s for making it awkward after the deed, so much can be solved when ppl just talk