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PassengerNumerous607 OP t1_j1f6sfy wrote

So I would be fine with doing something like that, however I’m absolutely nowhere ready to do that and most of my relationships end pretty catastrophically, I haven’t figured myself out enough to hold it down, no matter how slow I go with someone or how mature and communicative I try to be with some And a matter how deeper connection is. If there are feelings there that I’m not recognizing yet, I am going to try not to act on them, we work together at two different jobs and I really don’t want to put that working relationship in jeopardy. I also don’t think we would be sexually compatible, he’s very reserved and even talks about sex in a way that cracks me up like he’s very matter-of-fact and alludes to stuff but never directly says it where I am vulgar and love it dirty


crazyhopelessguy t1_j1fi9ks wrote

Oh well I guess you can wait and Maybe the timing will be right I the future.