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Juuuunkt t1_j0ezrhr wrote

My grandpa's Filipino wife once said he had a beautiful condom. She meant condo. Nobody made her feel bad for complimenting his condom though. Sorry your in-laws have no sense of humor.


4ever_lost t1_j0g0v46 wrote

I was in Malaysia and a singer sung Katy Perry, taste of your cherry chop stick, had to explain to her what chapstick was


saph_pearl t1_j0k1snz wrote

I had a teacher who told us a story about being in france with some friends. One of them was talking to a local and said she likes French jam better because ours has too many “préservatif.” He started laughing because in French that means condom and preservatives are called “conservatrices.”

It definitely happens haha but poor OP for being made to feel bad. Languages are hard!