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OkVolume1 t1_j1pqctv wrote

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire

Covid dripping from your nose


amadeuspoptart t1_j1qazmq wrote

Silly man with his balls all a-glow,

Bringing Reddit ho-ho-hos


Squigglepig52 t1_j1qcvey wrote

Later on, we'll perspire, while Grandpa pees in the fire.

It's gonna stink, cause Grandpa's a dink,

Peeing in the fireplace again!


PracticeAsleep t1_j1su0cw wrote

Scalded balls, scalded balls, it's Sniveling time in the privy...


Skaterboi93 t1_j1qcujf wrote

Pretty sure the chestnuts here are boiled and not roasted


SophosMoros7 t1_j1sfeti wrote

My ancestor (can't remember which one) used to say: Never spoil a good story for the sake of a few facts